Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Creating Product Lines

EQ - How does the PLC lead businesses to develop product lines?
  1. Activator: Hot Seat
  2. Review Connection of S&D on the PLC
  3. Discussion Question: How does the PLC show us consumers' economic utility?
  4. Discussion Question: How do companies combat this inevitable issue?
  5. Activator 2 - PollEv.com
  6. A look at Marvel Comics
  7. Individual Assignment
    1. Pick a Character
    2. How has this character been affected by the PLC?
    3. Based on the recent history of Superhero Films, what decisions have been made to extend the PLC of superheros?
  8. Introduction Product Lines
  9. TOD 
    1. Which superhero is your favorite? 
    2. Explain your opinion.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Suppy and Demand and The Product Life Cycle

EQ – How do the laws of supply and demand impact the Product Life Cycle?
  1. Activator: Coke Price Rises With Heat
  2. Team Project – Supply and Demand Practice
  3. Class Review
  4. Foldable – Introduction to the Product Life Cycle
  5. TPS – Stages of the PLC
  6. TOD - Describe the PLC

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Testing Economic Utility

EQ - How does economic utility impact supply and demand?
  1. Q & A
  2. Quiz
  3. Food Experiment: Consumption Utility *
  4. Example of Charting Utility
  5. Chart your Consumption Utility
  6. TOD – What did this experiment illustrate regarding a customer’s economic utility?
  7. Looking Ahead: How do you think economic utility impacts supply and demand?
  8. TPS – Types of Utility (p. 35)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Supply and Demand Connected to Economic Utility

EQ – How are the forms of economic utility different?
  1. Activator: Economically Speaking: Pumped Up Over Cheap Gas
  2. Pair Think 
    1. What is the connection to Supply & Demand?
    2. What were some Opportunity Costs for the customers?
    3. How many of you would be pleased with this buying experience? Why or why not?
  3. Discussion
  4. Peer Review - Economic Utility- Consumption- Form- Time- Place- Possession
  5. TOD - Answer the EQ
  6. Preview of tomorrow's activity

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Intro to Marketing Economics

EQ – How do I explain the concepts of supply and demand?

  1. Activator: Auction
  2. Economics of Supply and Demand Supply and Demand on Prezi
  3. Plotting the Supply and Demand Schedules
  4. Equilibrium, Surplus, Deficit
  5. Peer 2 Peer - Explain Supply and Demand

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ethics Case Study

EQ – How can acting ethically benefit a company?
  1. Activator: Shaing Personal Ethical Codes
  2. Introduction to case study *handout*
  3. Tylenol Case Study
  4. Toyota Case Study
  5. www.prezi.com
  6. Complete the case study and prepare a digital visual aid to present to the class

Monday, March 12, 2012

Printable March Madness Bracket 2012



EQ - What ethical dilemmas do employees face during March Madness?
  1. Activator: Bracket Busters
  2. The Business of March Madness
    1. Background "The NCAA's Marketing of March Madness Is A Slam Dunk"
    2. The Ball Is in the Employers' Court
    3. March Madness: Productivity or team builder?
    4.  Lost Productivity Estimate
  3.  Writing Assignment
    1. Explain the ethical dilemma employees face during March Madness.  Explain your point of view and support it by using at least 3 supporting details from your reading.
  4. Writing Assignment Discussion
  5. Upcoming Schedule

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Personal Code of Conduct

EQ - How are personal ethical standards developed?
  1. Activator: DHS Code of Conduct
  2. AMA Ethical Standards
  3. Connect the Dots - What do these 2 codes of conduct have in common?
  4. Brainstorming - What do ethics mean to you?
  5. TOD - Establish a personal code of ethics.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Business Ethics

EQ - How do ethical business practices impact marketing decisions?

  1. Quiz Prep
  2. Quiz
  3. Activator: The Story Behind The Story
  4. The Lorax - Full Text
    1. Read the Story
    2. Identify the elements of business shown throughout the story
    3. How do you feel about the Onceler's actions?
  5. Ethics Defined
  6. Computer Research - Ethics in Sports
    • Tiger Woods
    • LeBron James
    • Kobe Bryant
    • NBA Lockout
    • Steroids in Baseball
  7. TOD - Make a connection between the Lorax and ethics in sports