Friday, May 23, 2014

My Band Challenge

This project will allow each of you to create a marketing strategy for an up-and-coming musician.  You may choose a band from the Launch Music Conference website or use a band with members from DHS.
  1. Activator - Fantasy Baseball Update
  2. Project Instructions *Review Handout*
  3. TPS - Textbook p. 256-259
    1. Independently Read for Understanding (Take Notes)
    2. Discuss the reading with a partner
    3. Class discussion
  4. Choose a band from the LAUNCH website
  5. Assess the band's current use of the 4 P's
    1. Visit the band's site
    2. Create a sim-card foldable to organize the 4 P's you see
    3. Create a bulleted SWOT Analysis
  6. Mini-lesson – Market Segmentation
    1. Process of Market Segmentation
    2. Purpose
  7. Defining the Target Market *
    1. Identify the band's target market using the methods of segmentation
    2. Justify this decision in a one paragraph response
    3. Remember *This market must be meaningful*
  8. Mini-lesson – Mission Statements
    1. The nature of the business
    2. The reason it exists
  9. Mission Statement Development *
    1. What does the band do (Be absolutely specific - we know they make music, but what separates them from everyone else?)
    2. Establish goals for the band (Why does this band exist)
  10. Mini-lesson – Strategies & Tactics
    1. Defined
    2. Connection to each other
    3. Connection to Mission Statement
  11. Strategy Development *
    1. Utilize pages 261-270 to help develop marketing strategies
    2. Your additional handouts may help you too
    3. *REMEMBER* What are you and the band trying to achieve by creating this marketing plan?  These strategies must align with the Mission Statement.
  12. Tactic Development *
    1. Develop at least 5 tactics to execute your strategy for promoting the band
    2. See project guidelines handout for additional details
    3. *Remember* You may need to incentivize fans to help you
  13. Set Promotional Goals
    1. What do you hope this promotional plan accomplishes
  14. Launching the Marketing Plan
    1. Organize the overall promotional plan
    2. Create a timetable for implementation
    3. Determine your benchmark assessments to determine the success of the plan
    4. Establish deadlines to modify and adjust the plan as necessary

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Science of Persuasion

EQ - How can the science of persuasion aid the development of marketing tactics?
  1. Activator 
    1. Describe a situation in which you have been subjected to persuasion.
    2. What happened?
  2. The Science of Persuasion
  3. Apple's Example - Click Here
  4. Discussion Question - How can we use these concepts to create a more effective marketing plan?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Sample Marketing Plans

Blue Sky Marketing Plan - Click Here

Star Software Marketing Plan - Click Here

Collection of Various Marketing Plans - Click Here

Monday, May 5, 2014

Marketing Plan Continued

We will continue our development of a team marketing plan to push our Donegal Moves campaign to the next level.  The following link should serve as a significantly beneficial resource for you during your efforts.

Please work in Google Drive to key your marketing plan

Log in using your School ID and DSD+your lunch code as the password

Share with your teammates and with me.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Marketing Plan

EQ - How do I develop an effective marketing plan?
  1. List - TPS
    1. Highlight elements in the packet that you have learned through our Crowdfunding project.
    2. Partner with your crowdfunding team and compare your findings
      1. Help your team members understand your point of view
      2. Prepare to share your collective finding with the class
    3. Class Collaboration
    4. Discussion - What do you already know about a Marketing Plan?
  2. Inqure - TPS
    1. Seek out elements in the packet that your team feels are the most important to developing a Marketing Plan to lead your team to victory.
    2. Class Collaboration
    3. Discussion - What do you think you need to know most about a marketing plan as you move forward to create a marketing plan?
  3. Note - TPS
    1. Work together to formulate answers to your inquiries.
    2. Compose a list of "Deeper Questions" to share with the class
  4. Know - Class Collaboration
    1. What are the essential components of a marketing plan?
    2. How do I develop an effective marketing plan?