Thursday, March 26, 2020

Learning Opportunity 1 - Review Remarkable Marketing

EQ - Why should marketing focus on being remarkable?
  1. Lesson Review - "Remarkable" Marketing
  2. Watch the following Ted Talk featuring Seth Godin

  3. Summarize Mr. Godin's message about marketing in today's world
  4. Assignment - Show & Tell 
    1. Find an example of remarkable marketing used by a company during the Coronavirus Pandemic
    2. Using some type of digital tool
      1. Share the marketing (Loom, Canva, Adobe Spark, etc)
      2. Explain why people are talking about it.
    3. Submit to the DISCUSSION BOARD for this learning opportunity

Monday, March 9, 2020

Collaborative Branding Assignment

EQ - How is a competitive brand established?
  1. Activator - TPS Splashdown:  What is the purpose of a brand?
  2. AP - How is a competitive brand established?
  3. Intro to Collaborative Branding Project
    1. You have been hired as a brand developer for a new Family Entertainment Center (FEC) opening in a city with a population of approximately 200,000. Provide a branding package for the owners that would include a name for the FEC, logo, theme, store front design, interior and exterior signage, menu boards (product offering), and website.
    2. Remember to use the following elements of marketing:
      1. Situational Analysis
      2. Target Market Analysis
      3. Marketing Objectives
      4. Strategies & Tactics
    3. Create a marketing mix to launch your FEC using your understanding of the PLC.  Justify each decision you are making.
  4. Resources:
    1. Close Reading - OKC to be Named "Thunder"
    2. Webinar Content - IAAPA Family Entertainment Center Trends:  The Next Big Thing (begin on slide 14)
    3. Customer Persona Examples - Four Samples
    4. Graphic Design Tool - Canva
    5. Website Builder - Wix
  5. Brief Presentations of project results *Details to follow*
  6. Debriefing

Monday, March 2, 2020

Intro to Branding

EQ - How can a well-developed brand influence buyers?
  1. Activator: Logo Quiz websites
    2. Logo Quiz 2
      1. How did you know all of these?
      2. What story do these logos tell?
  2. Active Reading - What is a brand? (Reading Apprenticeship)
    1. write questions you have
    2. Unknown words
    3. Key ideas
    4. Summarize after each section
    5. Jot notes in the margins
  3. AP - Comprehension Questionnaire
    1. Discussion Questions Part 1
      1. What is a brand?
      2. How has the term "brand" transformed throughout history?
      3. How can a person in the marketing field create an effective brand?
  4. TOMS Shoes - Story
    1. Discussion Questions
      1. How would you define the brand of TOMS Shoes?
      2. How can self-awareness lead to effective brand development?
    2. Discussion Questions Part 2
      1. Should you consider developing a brand for yourself? Explain.
      2. Do you currently have any personal branding? Explain.
  5. Project - Your Personal Brand
    1. How do you view yourself?
    2. How do others view you?
    3. Are these views congruent?  Why or why not?
    4. How do you want to be viewed?
  6. Prepare to develop a personal brand
    1. In what channels (Place) do you currently have personal branding?
    2. Analyze your current branding using SWOT Analysis.
    3. Consider your various customer segments.
    4. Identify what matters most to these customer segments.
    5. Identify your current Marketing Mix.
  7. Brand Development
    1. Use the handout to generate ideas for your brand.
    2. Show us what you can do.  Do it!
Additional Resources Branding Exploration