Thursday, December 22, 2011

Marketing Lesson from Santa

Today we will watch our final three presentations.  Following the presentations we will explore the marketing lessons we can learn from

THIS GUY ----------------------------->

EQ - How can Santa help us become marketers.

  1. Activator:
  2.   Where else do you see Santa in advertisements?
  3. Lessons from Santa
    1. Take notes (You must contribute something to our class discussion)

Sunday, December 18, 2011


EQ - How effectively can I present information to an audience?
  1. Activator: Partnership Activity - What elements need to be finished on our BCS presentation?\
  2. 20 minutes of final prep time
  3. Community Reading
  4. Audience Guidelines
  5. Presentation - Random Selection

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SWOT Quiz and College Bowl Series Project

EQ –  How does a college SWOT analysis to differentiate itself to potential students?
  1. Students will partner up and select a College Bowl Series Game
    1. LSU v. Alabama
    2. Oklahoma St. v. Stanford
    3. Clemson v. West Virginia
    4. Michigan v. Virginia Tech
    5. Wisconsin v. Oregon
    6. Boise St. v. Arizona St.
    7. Iowa St. v. Rutgers
    8. SMU v. Pittsburgh
    9. Kansas St. v. Arkansas
    10. FIU v. Marshall
    11. BYU v. Tusla
    12. Baylor v. Washington
    13. Virgina v. Auburn

**There is an uneven number of students. One student will need to pick one of the two teams in the game**

2.      Partners will pick which team they will research
3.      Access college websites (Use Google if necessary) to find information as follows:
a.      Description (History, Size, Rural/Urban, Reputation, Etc.)
b.      Academics (Majors of Study)
c.       Admissions Requirements
d.      Cost of Courses
e.      Campus Life
f.        Sports and Extracurricular Activities)
g.      Other (climate, distance from home, local attractions, etc.)
4.      Take DETAILED notes of each topic
5.      If you finish your research, you may begin planning your PowerPoint or Prezi

**Project Due by beginning of class Monday**

Check For understanding

Monday, December 12, 2011

SWOT Analysis

EQ – What is SWOT analysis and why does it matter?
  1. Activator: Self Reflection
  2. Introduction to SWOT Analysis
         – Read the webpage (p. 1-4)
         – Complete the Check for Understanding Questions
  3. TOD – Summarize your reading in a full paragraph
  4. View the following website
  5. Select and Read 2 of the 5 examples
  6. TPS – Summarize in your own words the SWOT analysis for the 2 companies
SWOT Analysis of Kroger Co.

    Thursday, December 8, 2011

    Push v. Pull Strategy

    EQ - How is a push strategy different than a pull strategy?
    1. Activator - Tug of War
    2. TPS - Introduction Push v. Pull
    3. Internet Search - Find 3 examples of both push and pull strategies used in marketing
    4. Class Discussion
    5. Create a study guide

    Wednesday, December 7, 2011

    Real Life Marketing Strategy

    EQ - How does Nike demonstrate the importance of a well planned and executed marketing strategy?
    1. Activator - Brainstorming (Think Nike)
    2. DDAP - Phil Knight: Reinventing Sports Marketing
      1. Summarize the article
      2. Make the connections to class
        1. Identify the elements of marketing
        2. What was Nike's marketing strategy?
        3. Identify elements of the article that supports the marketing strategy.
        4. What tactics did/does Nike employ to carry out its strategy?
      3. What are your thoughts about Nike's Marketing Strategy
    3. Discussion
    4. A Deeper Look - His Airness
    5. Advanced Organizer
    6. Class Discussion

    Tuesday, December 6, 2011

    Implementing Strategies

    EQ – How are strategies used when creating marketing tactics?

    1.  Activator - War Talk
    2. Read Examples of Marketing Strategies & Tactics 
    3. Class Discussion
    4. Activator - Q & A
    5. Quiz
    6. Community Reading
    7. Developing Tactics
    8. TOD – One thing I learned today - Explain what you learned – The most important thing I learned today is…

    Monday, December 5, 2011

    Strategies, Tactics, and the Mission Statement

    EQ – How do marketers determine direction and focus for a marketing plan?

    1. Mini-Lesson: Concept review (MCD’s Strategies & Tactics)
    2. Flowchart Creation
    3. DHS Mission Statement
    4. Elements of Mission Statement
    5. MCD’s Mission Statement
    6. Discussion Question: How does MCD’s mission statement implement the company’s strategy?
    7. Create a Mission Statement for the Donegal High School Cafeteria
    8. Identify a potential marketing strategy
    9. Assess how the marketing strategy connects with the mission statement
    10. Class Discussion
    11. Illustrate with connections **Handout**

    Friday, December 2, 2011

    Marketing Strategy

    EQ – How do companies effectively use marketing strategy?

    1. Marketing Process
    2. Marketing Strategy Class Guide
    3. What is Marketing Strategy? Define
    4. MCD’s Strategy
    5. Marketing Tactics? Define
    6. MCD’s Tactics