Friday, November 30, 2012

Product Life Cycle

EQ – How do the laws of supply and demand impact the Product Life Cycle?
  1. Social Responsibility - Extraordinary Give Vote
  2. Activator: Coke Price Rises With Heat
  3. Team Project (Part A)
    1. Pick a Product (good or service)
    2. Identify how customers experience utility with the product
    3. SWOT analysis
  4. Foldable - Introduction to the Product Life Cycle
    1. Stages
    2. Description of stages
  5. Brainstorm Discussion Question
    1. How does the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility influence the PLC?
  6. Team Project (Part B) 
    1. Identify where your product falls on it's PLC
    2. Describe how you made your determination
    3. Propose how you, as a marketing team, would increase demand for the product.
    4. Prepare to share with the class.
  7. Class Review
  8. TOD - Describe the PLC

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