Monday, November 11, 2013

Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan Part 2

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Work as a team of 2-3 to complete the following activities.

  1. Using the Internet, research the history of your business or organization.  Learn how and when it started and how it plans to expand in the future.  Be sure to learn how it has consciously worked to develop positive relationships within the community.  Make notes about its program offerings and how the business operates.  Find out the market size of citizens in the U.S. who purchase its products or services (how many dollars are spent nationwide).
  2. Create a SWOT analysis to begin strategic planning.
    1. Strengths
    2. Weaknesses
    3. Opportunities
    4. Threats
  3. Write an OUTLINE of points you think the public would be interested to know.
  4. Help the business/organization determine its promotional goals.
  5. Identify WHAT the facility should focus on to grow its market share.
  6. Develop 1 strategic goal.
  7. Develop at least 3 tactics to connect with the target market and reach its strategic goal.
  8. Write a one-page publicity piece about the facility to send to major media influencer in the U.S.
  9. Through your research, determine at least 2 potential, influential endorsers.
  10. Prepare a proposal for 3 major corporations - ask for sponsorship of the business/organization.
**Please remember to incorporate your learning and understanding of sponsorships and endorsements into your team's work**

**Your business/organization should be relatively small in size, perhaps a non-profit organization.  (The substitute has a listing of organizations that you may consider).


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