Friday, October 24, 2014

Crowdfunding Collaboration

EQ - How can we use marketing to successfully develop a crowdfunding campaign?

  1. Activator - Collaborative Chalk Talk
    1. With one partner - Write down elements of your crowdfunding learning on a whiteboard
    2. Group with another partnership and grow your list
    3. Find your location on the classroom whiteboards and begin to organize your learning
  2. Review your list and identify areas of curiosity - Post these curiosities to TodaysMeet
  3. The Boardroom
    1. Discuss your group's findings with the class.
    2. Share your curiosities and see if another group can assist you.
  4. The Boardroom Pt. 2
    1. As small groups 
      1. Discuss what you believe are the underlying marketing themes within crowdfunding.
      2. Use these themes to develop a plan to create a successful campaign (large paper)
    2. As a class
      1. Share your ideas
      2. Develop a class plan to develop a successful campaign
  5. Debriefing
  6. TOD - Review our class plan and outline the concepts of marketing that appear in the plan.  Write these items on a sheet of orange paper and turn it in on your way out the door.
  7. Homework - Browse various Crowdfunding websites and create a list of 3 campaigns that sounded amazing but failed to achieve their goals.  We will be using these in class on Monday.

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