Wednesday, March 2, 2016

PLC and Marketing Trends

EQ - How can trends impact marketing strategies for the product life cycle?
  1. Quiz - Diminishing Marginal Utility and the Product Life Cycle
  2. Exploration Project (Continued from last class)
    1. Choose 1 of the 15 Forecasted Trends of 2015
      1. Explore it in a way that you could lead a conversation about the topic
        1. What analysis has led companies to develop marketing strategies that focus on this customer need?
        2. Find a company that is currently using this trend in their marketing mix.  How is the company using the trend in real life?  Be specific and give detailed examples.
        3. What are your personal thoughts regarding this trend as it applies to the Product Life Cycle?  Be specific and detailed when describing your thoughts?
    2. Develop a visual aid to share this trend with the world.
      1. Create a blog post that includes your answers from the previous assignment.
      2. Incorporate images, videos, links to further engage your audience.
      3. Save your work to your Google Drive

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