Monday, February 26, 2018

Marketing Competition - Donegal Mini-Thon

EQ - How can I help Donegal's Mini-Thon by using what I've learned in class?
  1. Activator: Marketing Job Descriptions
  2. Roles Needed & Job Descriptions
    1. Project Lead
    2. Communication & Content Manager
    3. Market Research Analyst
    4. Marketing Strategist
  3. Team Requirements
    1. Pre-Research: Summarize Group's Current Understanding of Mini-Thon
    2. Situational Analysis - SA Overview
      1. What is Mini-Thon?
      2. What is the overall mission of the event?
      3. Target Market Evaluation?
        1. Who is the target market?
        2. Who is actually being targeted?
      4. What has currently been done to communicate Mini-Thon with the TM?
        1. Identify evidence that shows each marketing mix strategy is being used.
        2. Identify Tactics being used.
      5. SWOT Analysis
        1. What can we do to improve the conversion rate?
        2. What else can we do to help the Mini-Thon?
        3. How can we connect with the TM in a meaningful way?
      6. Objectives - Marketing Objectives (YOU MAY NEED MORE THAN ONE)
        1. What are you trying to accomplish?
        2. How will you know that you've succeeded?
        3. Create a deadline.
      7. New Marketing
        1. Customer Persona
        2. New Marketing Strategies
        3. New Marketing Tactics
    3. Evaluation Metrics; How will you measure the effectiveness of each of your market tactics at improving the conversion rate?
      1. Which strategies and tactics will work? 
      2. How do you know each will work?
    4. Execute - Prepare your marketing strategies and tactics

Monday, February 19, 2018

Developing Marketing

EQ - How do we find a viable target market?
  1. ML: Topic Review
    1. SWOT Analysis
    2. Methods of Market Segmentation
    3. Customer Persona
    4. Marketing Mix
    5. Meaningful Market Test
  2. CP - How do you market potato chips to teens?
  3. CERA - Frito-Lay and Teens
    1. Identify the details of the Target Market Analysis completed by FL.
      1. Customer Persona
        1. CP - Develop a Customer Persona for today's teen.
          1. Resource - Buffer Social
        2. Did FL choose a meaningful market?
      2. Marketing Mix
        1. How did FL incorporate marketing mix strategies to connect with teens?
      3. TPS
        1. Do you think the strategy worked?  Use a SWOT Analysis to respond to the prompt.  Explain your rationale.
      4. How would you change the marketing mix strategies to connect with today's teens?
      1. Discussion Questions:
        1. What do you think the biggest mistake people/companies make when trying to connect with teens?
      2. Briefing – Constructing Support
      3. What Went Wrong? 
        1. (Re)Introducing Crystal Pepsi 
        2. Resources
          1. Textbook (p. 92-93) – Read and Take Notes
          2. Handout – The history of Crystal Pepsi
          3. Super Bowl commercial
          4. Your understanding of Unit 1 concepts
      4. Partt. 2 - Open Ended – What would you have done differently? Explain why by constructing support.  

      Wednesday, February 14, 2018

      Analyzing the Marketing Mix

      EQ - How can a fundamental marketing strategy impact a target market?
      1. Activator - Muddy Points Review
      2. Quiz - Elements of the marketing mix
      3. AP - 4 Corners Argument – Why is your element of the marketing mix the most important? (Extended Thinking - Constructing Support)
      4. Intermission - Muddy Points
      5. College Refrigerator Story
      6. AP – Omeletteville
        1. TPS - Identify elements of the video that depict the marketing mix
        2. Class Discussion
      7. AP – Describe the marketing strategy each company created.
      8. AP - SWOT Analysis - What would you do differently to enhance the effectiveness of the marking mix?  Explain.
      9. OYO - Choose an example of marketing in action and complete the following:
        1. Identify each strategic element of the marketing based on the marketing mix.
        2. Identify the customer persona that the marketing targeted.
        3. Define the larger target market for the marketing.
        4. Complete a SWOT Analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing making a connection with the intended target market.
        5. Describe at least 3 ways the company could increase the number of gross impressions.
      10. TOD - Muddy Points

      Friday, February 9, 2018

      Intro to the Marketing Mix

      EQ - How do we influence our customers?
      1. Activator - TPS - What would you need to do to sell this...
        1. 1 min - Independent
        2. 3 mins - Collaborative
        3. 6 mins - Share
      2. Discussion Question - What was your strategy?
        1. TPS Splashdown:  Word Association – What do you think of when you hear the word strategy?
      3. Discussion Question - Are there opportunities to use strategy in marketing now that we know who our potential customers are?
      4. Frayer Foldable - Introduction to Marketing Strategy (The Marketing Mix)
        1. Product
        2. Price
        3. Place
        4. Promotion
      5. TPS - Jigsaw 4 P's 
        1. 1's - Product
        2. 2's – Price
        3. 3's – Place
        4. 4's – Promotion
      6. Muddy Points
      7. TPS - Why is your group's element of the marketing mix the most important (HOTS - Constructing Support)
      8. AP - 4 Corners Argument 
      9. Intermission - Muddy Points

      Thursday, February 1, 2018

      Methods of Market Segmentation

      EQ - How does one find a viable target market?
      1. Activator – Do Now
        1. AP – What is marketing? 
        2. AP – What is a market?
        3. AP – What is a Target Market?
        4. AP – How do we identify a target market?
      2. Introduction to Methods of Segmentation - Visual Funnel
        1. Demographics
        2. Geographics
        3. Psychographics
        4. Behavioral
      3. Together - Clique Evaluation
      4. HOTS - Compare and Contrast
        1. Commercial 1
        2. Commercial 2
          1. What similarities exist between the two TV commercials?
          2. What differences exist between the two TV commercials?
          3. Explain why the similarities and differences exist.
        3. Discussion Question - How do you think customers responded to these ads?
          1. Identify the Target Market
          2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the ad at making a connection with the target market
        4. TPS - If you were a competing company, how would you respond?
          1. Does it look like THIS?  Why or why not?
        5. Discussion Question - Why did the 3rd company respond this way?
      5. AP - Muddy Points Grab Bag