Monday, February 19, 2018

Developing Marketing

EQ - How do we find a viable target market?
  1. ML: Topic Review
    1. SWOT Analysis
    2. Methods of Market Segmentation
    3. Customer Persona
    4. Marketing Mix
    5. Meaningful Market Test
  2. CP - How do you market potato chips to teens?
  3. CERA - Frito-Lay and Teens
    1. Identify the details of the Target Market Analysis completed by FL.
      1. Customer Persona
        1. CP - Develop a Customer Persona for today's teen.
          1. Resource - Buffer Social
        2. Did FL choose a meaningful market?
      2. Marketing Mix
        1. How did FL incorporate marketing mix strategies to connect with teens?
      3. TPS
        1. Do you think the strategy worked?  Use a SWOT Analysis to respond to the prompt.  Explain your rationale.
      4. How would you change the marketing mix strategies to connect with today's teens?
      1. Discussion Questions:
        1. What do you think the biggest mistake people/companies make when trying to connect with teens?
      2. Briefing – Constructing Support
      3. What Went Wrong? 
        1. (Re)Introducing Crystal Pepsi 
        2. Resources
          1. Textbook (p. 92-93) – Read and Take Notes
          2. Handout – The history of Crystal Pepsi
          3. Super Bowl commercial
          4. Your understanding of Unit 1 concepts
      4. Partt. 2 - Open Ended – What would you have done differently? Explain why by constructing support.  

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