Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Project Extra Innings

Your team’s owner has been impressed with your high quality work over the past few weeks and is asking you to tackle another task to strengthen the relationship between the team and the local community.
The team wants to capture an audience compiled of boys ages 12-18.  The overall goal is to increase the boys’ interest in the team.  To achieve this goal, your team wants to host a camp for this demographic.  Your assignment is to organize the football camp and attract the target market AND establish positive relationships with local businesses.
Tasks are listed as follows:
  1. Select the MVP of your team to host the camp
  2. Create a three fold brochure (both sides)
         - Includes camp events – Click Here for a sample
         - Lists local sponsors (from your city) who donated goods to campers (Under Armor has donated a sports bag to hold these items)
         – Shows images of the MVP
         – Shows creativity and quality use of technology
  3. Update your sponsorship proposal letter to send to one of the local businesses

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sponsorship v. Endorsements

EQ – How are endorsements different from sponsors?
  1. Review Letter Formatting
  2. Complete Sponsorship Letter
  3. Preview - Advanced Organizer: 11-2 Sponsorship and Endorsements
  4. Activator: Peyton Manning

    5. Endorsements v. Sponsorship
    6. Crunching the Numbers – Fantasy Team Assessment
    7.  Justify – MVP/Endorser Candidacy
    8.  Knowledge Check Tomorrow

Monday, December 6, 2010

Finalize Presentation

EQ – How do I design an effective presentation?
  1. Finalize Presentation (Requirements on previous blog post)
  2. Practice with a partner
  3. Presentations Tomorrow

Friday, December 3, 2010

Presenting Your Team

You have been cordially invited to present your team to the NFL Owner’s Association (NOA).  To prepare for your presentation, the president of the NOA has asked you to create a Prezi, PowerPoint, or a Glog to share with the league owners.
Choose one of the three methods of presentation and create your visual aid.  Your presentation must include the following items.
  1. Introduction
  2. Agenda
  3. City “A” Analyis
  4. City “B” Analysis
  5. Decision/Justification
  6. Map showing the location of your new stadium
  7. Team Roster
  8. Uniforms
  9. Summary
Remember the rules to effective presentations and WOW your fellow NFL Owners.  Good luck!!!

Uniform Design

Excellent job!!!  The commissioner has approved your city as the site for the next NFL team.  He was thoroughly impressed with your reasoning and your efforts to show the proposed location of the stadium. 
As you know, every team must have a unique uniform.  Because of your success in impressing the league, you have been chosen to design your team’s uniform and apparel. 
Let your creativity run wild and design your team’s uniform.  Think about color schemes and how these decisions might affect buyer behavior.  Remember, sports teams make a lot of revenue from sales of team apparel, therefore, it must appeal to the fans.
The following website will help you complete your task.  CLICK HERE
Lastly, write a paragraph to explain each decision made in your design

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Your City Proposal

You did an excellent job on your first day on the job.  Today your task involves making a final decision.  Complete your city research and determine the best location for your new team.  You must compose an informative paper to explain and justify your decision.  This paper is required to be AT LEAST one full page.  Save this paper assignment as NFL City Selection in your student folder.

Paragraph 1 – Describes City “A” in great detail.  Explain what makes this city a viable location for your NFL Team.
Paragraph 2 -Describes City “B” in great detail.  Explain what makes this city a viable location for your NFL Team.
Paragraph 3 – Announces your city selection AND provides justification of your decision.  Explain all of the deciding factors that led you to your decision.