Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Quick Look At Intellectual Property

EQ – How do laws impact sports and entertainment marketing?
  1. Activator: Design a personal logo or catch phrase 
  2. That’s Hot
  3. The Issue

4.  Introduction to Intellectual Property
5.  Read and discuss p. 334-336

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Final Exam Prep

EQ –  What can I incorporate into a study guide to help me prepare for my final exam?


  1.  The Nature of Marketing
    1. What is Marketing?
    2. What is Sports & Entertainment Marketing?
    3. The Marketing Mix
  2. The Business of S & E Marketing
    1. Economics
    2. Risk
    3. Ethics
    4. Financial Analysis
  3. Marketing Strategies
    1. Industry Segments
    2. Marketing Tools
    3. Market Research
    4. Developing Target Markets
  4. The Marketing Game Plan
    1. Developing the Marketing Plan
    2. Environmental Factors
    3. Social Networking
    4. Sponsorship & Endorsements
    5. Legal Issues
  5. Implementing the Plan
    1. Selling Sports & Entertainment
    2. Analyzing Results
1.       Students will have the entire period to create a study guide.  They may use the following:
a.      Class blog –
b.      Textbook
c.       Class Notes
d.      Colored Paper/Markers/Tape/Etc.
2.       Community Reading (15 minutes)
3.       If students feel they need to finalize or practice their College Presentations they may do so.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

College Bowl Series - School Research

EQ –  How does a college differentiate itself to potential students?

1.      Students will partner up and select a College Bowl Series Game
a.      Rose Bowl – Wisconsin v. TCU (Texas Christian University)
b.      Sugar Bowl – Ohio State v. Arkansas
c.       BCS Championship – Auburn v. Oregon
d.      Fiesta Bowl – Oklahoma v. Connecticut
e.      Orange Bowl – Virginia Tech v. Stanford
f.        Fight Hunger Bowl – Nevada v. Boston College
g.      Cotton Bowl – Texas A&M v. LSU (Louisiana State University)

**There is an uneven number of students. One student will need to pick one of the two teams in the game**

2.      Partners will pick which team they will research
3.      Access college websites (Use Google if necessary) to find information as follows:
a.      Description (History, Size, Rural/Urban, Reputation, Etc.)
b.      Academics (Majors of Study)
c.       Admissions Requirements
d.      Cost of Courses
e.      Campus Life
f.        Sports and Extracurricular Activities)
g.      Other (climate, distance from home, local attractions, etc.)
4.      Take DETAILED notes of each topic
5.      If you finish your research, you may begin planning your PowerPoint or Prezi

Legal Issues in S & E

EQ - Why do athletes and entertainers place obscure clauses into their contracts?
  1. Product Licensing Examples
  2. Activator: 10 More Weird Clauses in Sports Contracts
  3. Elements of contracts
  4. Purpose of contracts
  5. Van Halen and Brown M&M's
  6. Why Brown M&M's
  7. Activity: Your Personal Contract Demands
         - What?
         - Why?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

SWOT Analysis

EQ – What is SWOT analysis and why does it matter?
  1. Activator: Self Reflection on 10-11
  2. Introduction to SWOT Analysis
         – Read the webpage (p. 1-4)
         – Complete the Check for Understanding Questions
  3. TOD – Summarize your reading in a full paragraph
  4. View the following website
  5. Select and Read 2 of the 5 examples
  6. TPS – Summarize in your own words the SWOT analysis for the 2 companies