Thursday, January 6, 2011

College Bowl Series - School Research

EQ –  How does a college differentiate itself to potential students?

1.      Students will partner up and select a College Bowl Series Game
a.      Rose Bowl – Wisconsin v. TCU (Texas Christian University)
b.      Sugar Bowl – Ohio State v. Arkansas
c.       BCS Championship – Auburn v. Oregon
d.      Fiesta Bowl – Oklahoma v. Connecticut
e.      Orange Bowl – Virginia Tech v. Stanford
f.        Fight Hunger Bowl – Nevada v. Boston College
g.      Cotton Bowl – Texas A&M v. LSU (Louisiana State University)

**There is an uneven number of students. One student will need to pick one of the two teams in the game**

2.      Partners will pick which team they will research
3.      Access college websites (Use Google if necessary) to find information as follows:
a.      Description (History, Size, Rural/Urban, Reputation, Etc.)
b.      Academics (Majors of Study)
c.       Admissions Requirements
d.      Cost of Courses
e.      Campus Life
f.        Sports and Extracurricular Activities)
g.      Other (climate, distance from home, local attractions, etc.)
4.      Take DETAILED notes of each topic
5.      If you finish your research, you may begin planning your PowerPoint or Prezi

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