Monday, January 23, 2012

Crystal Pepsi's Attempt at Greatness

EQ – Why might a product’s marketing mix be flawless yet unsuccessful?
  1. Activator: Mistakes
    1. What is the biggest mistake you have made?
    2. What contributed to you making that mistake?
    3. What have you learned following your mistake?
  2. Briefing – Constructing Support
  3. TPS - (Re)Introducing Crystal Pepsi – Analyze the Marketing Mix – Identify the components of the marketing mix in the ad.
  4. Textbook (p. 92-93) – Read and Take Notes
  5. “Building a better mousetrap” & “If it ain't broke, don’t fix it” 
  6. Information Search - What happened to Crystal Pepsi?
  7. Discussion
  8. Homework Open Ended – What would you have done differently? Explain why by constructing support.  Feel free to use your notes to help you.

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