Tuesday, September 25, 2012

NFL City Selection

EQ - How are the fundamentals of marketing used to develop a product line?
  1. Knowledge Check - Market Segmentation
  2. Activator: Welcome to the NFL
  3. Introduction to Project
  4. City Research - Use your understanding of Buyer Behavior and Market Segmentation to complete the following tasks:
    1. Research 2 U.S. cities that may WANT an NFL franchise
    2. Analyze the inhabitants of the city 
      1. Demographics, Pyschographic, Behaviors, and Geographics
      2. Compare and contrast the 2 cities and make your final city selection
  5. Use Google Maps to show the location of the stadium within your chosen city
  6. Using a uniform design generator create a uniform for your franchise
    1. Create a team name based on the history, heritage, or cultural identity of the city's inhabitants
    2. Choose colors that match this area for your uniform
  7. Create a presentation to share your decisions with the class

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