Monday, December 17, 2012

My Band Challenge

This project will allow each of you to create a marketing strategy for an up-and-coming musician.  You may choose a band from the Launch Music Conference website or use a band with members from DHS.
  1. Activator – Canyon Live
  3. Project Instructions *
  4. TPS - Textbook p. 256-259
    1. Independently Read for Understanding (Take Notes)
    2. Discuss the reading with a partner
    3. Class discussion
  5. Choose a band from the LAUNCH website
  6. Assess the band's current use of the 4 P's
    1. Visit the band's site
    2. Create a sim-card foldable to organize the 4 P's you see
    3. Create a bulleted SWOT Analysis
  7. Mini-lesson – Market Segmentation
    1. Process of Market Segmentation
    2. Purpose
  8. Defining the Target Market *
    1. Identify the band's target market using the methods of segmentation
    2. Justify this decision in a one paragraph response
    3. Remember *This market must be meaningful*
  9. Mini-lesson – Mission Statements
    1. The nature of the business
    2. The reason it exists
  10. Mission Statement Development *
    1. What does the band do (Be absolutely specific - we know they make music, but what separates them from everyone else?)
    2. Establish goals for the band (Why does this band exist)
  11. Mini-lesson – Strategies & Tactics
    1. Defined
    2. Connection to each other
    3. Connection to Mission Statement
  12. Strategy Development *
    1. Utilize pages 261-270 to help develop marketing strategies
    2. Your additional handouts may help you too
    3. *REMEMBER* What are you and the band trying to achieve by creating this marketing plan?  These strategies must align with the Mission Statement.
  13. Tactic Development *
    1. Develop at least 5 tactics to execute your strategy for promoting the band
    2. See project guidelines handout for additional details
    3. *Remember* You may need to incentivize fans to help you
  14. Set Promotional Goals
    1. What do you hope this promotional plan accomplishes
  15. Launching the Marketing Plan
    1. Organize the overall promotional plan
    2. Create a timetable for implementation
    3. Determine your benchmark assessments to determine the success of the plan
    4. Establish deadlines to modify and adjust the plan as necessary

Friday, December 14, 2012

Legal Issues in S & E Marketing

EQ - Why do athletes and entertainers place obscure clauses into their contracts?
  1. Activator: Which table can get their notes from yesterday out the fastest?
  2. New Group Table Review
    1. Info on chalkboards
  3. Quiz
  4. Product Licensing Examples
  5. Activator: 10 More Weird Clauses in Sports Contracts
  6. Elements of contracts
  7. Purpose of contracts
  8. Van Halen and Brown M&M's
  9. Why Brown M&M's
  10. Activity: Your Personal Contract Demands
         - What?
         - Why?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Legal Issues in S & E Marketing

EQ – How do laws impact sports and entertainment marketing?
  1. Activator: Hot Seat Questionnaire
  2. Work Time - Finalize your Product Mix Notes
  3. A Word From Our Sponsor....Oh wait...

  4. Design a personal logo or catch phrase 
  5. That’s Hot
  6. The Issue
  7. Identify the elements of the Product Mix associated with this case
  8. Introduction to Intellectual Property
  9. Read p. 334-336 and complete the advanced organizer
  10. Muddy Points

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Product Mix

EQ - How does the PLC lead businesses to develop product lines?
  1. Activator - Dogswell
    1. Actively Read
    2. Case Analysis
  2. Peer Review
  3. Constructing Support
    1. Why did Dogswell's strategy fail?
    2. Provide at least 2 reasons
  4. Discussion Question (page 2, paragraph 2)
    1. What does it mean when it says, "For years...introduce a line of dog food."?
  5. Introduction of the Product Mix (172-175) *Foldable
    1. Defined
    2. Product Line
    3. Packaging
    4. Brand (include levels of brand recognition)
  6.  Critical Thinking Response
    1. List three brands you like to purchase.
    2. Why are you loyal to these brands?
  7. Design Dogswell's Product Mix
    1. What items are included in the Product Line?
    2. How might the packaging look?
    3. Create a NEW strategy that will enhance the Dogswell brand recognition
  8. TOD 
    1. What are the components of the product mix?
    2. How does the level of brand recognition impact the PLC?
    3. Why might a company market a product line rather than an individual product?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Product Lines

EQ - How does the PLC lead businesses to develop product lines?
  1. Activator: Hot Seat
  2. Review Connection of S&D on the PLC
  3. Discussion Question: How does the PLC show us consumers' economic utility?
  4. Discussion Question: How do companies combat this inevitable issue?
  5. Activator 2 -
  6. A look at Marvel Comics
  7. Individual Assignment
    1. Pick a Character
    2. How has this character been affected by the PLC?
    3. Based on the recent history of Superhero Films, what decisions have been made to extend the PLC of superheros?
  8. Introduction Product Lines
  9. TOD 
    1. Which superhero is your favorite? 
    2. Explain your opinion.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Challenge to You

Actively read the following paragraph and complete the case study questions using high level thinking AND content regarding the economics of marketing.  You may work in groups of 3 or less.  All responses should be placed into Google Docs & named (Last Name, Video Rentals).  Should you have questions, please post them to Today's Meet, troubleshoot, and move on to the next segment of the case study.  Good Luck!!!

Video Rentals

Video rentals used to require joining a video rental club for as much as $75 per year, going to a video rental store to see what was available, paying approximately $5 to rent a video for 3 days, taking the tape or DVD home, and returning it after viewing.  Incurring late fees was always a risk in the event you forgot to return the video by its due date.  The economic utility of video rental has since been improved.

Work with your group to complete the following:
  1. Describe the history of the video rental industry including its current state.
  2. What changes have online businesses caused in the video rental business?  Discuss ALL FOUR categories of economic utility in your answer.
  3. Write a one-page summary that compares and contrasts the PLC of each product offered in the history of the industry (USE YOUR NOTES).
  4. Analyze the decisions made (p.190 - 191) and determine what the company chose to do as the product reached the maturity stage.  EXPLAIN how you determined your answer.
  5. **Individually summarize YOUR OPINION of how the video rental business could further improve economic utility.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Product Life Cycle Analysis

EQ - How can understanding the various stages of the Product Life Cycle assist the development of marketing strategy?
  1. Activator - Galaxy S

  2. Be A Detective - Determine an answer the essential question by examining the resources provided.
    1. Handout
    2. Link 1 - Product Life Cycle
    3. Link 2 - Marketing Mix
    4. **Post Questions to Today's Meet** Click for Direct Link
  3.  Google Docs Link
    1. User Name - PowerSchool ID
    2. Password - DSD + lunch code
  4. Class Discussion
  5. Use today's findings to analyze the marketing strategy used in Samsung's advertisements
    1. Include PLC stage
    2. Include elements of the Marketing Mix
    3. Brainstorm how Apple may respond
  6. TOD - Muddy Points