Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Customer Persona Development

EQ - How can a well-developed customer persona benefit a marketing team?
  1. Activator - TPS Splashdown: List and describe the 4 methods of market segmentation
  2. Discussion - Super Bowl Commercials
    1. Your favorites?  Explain.
    2. Your least favorites?  Explain
    3. Would your parents agree/disagree with your pick?  Why or why not?
    4. What one website says - CLICK HERE 
  3. Content/Connect
    1. How did you feel about Coca Cola's America the Beautiful?
    2. Use the methods of market segmentation to identify the customer segment that Coca Cola tried to reach.  Explain.
  4. TPS - Customer Persona
    1. Describe a "random" member of this customer segment
    2. Incorporate the methods of segmentation in this description
  5. TOD/Homework
    1. Choose your LEAST favorite SB advertisement.  Define the targeted customer segment.
    2. Write a customer persona that may have been used prior to developing the ad.
    3. Was the company successful in connecting a potential customer to its products based on the customer persona?  Why or why not?

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