Thursday, February 6, 2014

Creating a Customer Persona

EQ – How do I develop a customer persona?

Students will begin the class by taking a quiz and then will work independently to complete a mini-project.  The lesson outline is as follows:

1.      Quiz – Methods of Market Segmentation
  1. Mini-Project “Creating a Customer Persona”
    1. Please distribute the handout titled “Buyer Persona Example” and ask students to read the top section - ending at “Personal Background”
    2. Choose your LEAST favorite SB advertisement.  Define the targeted customer segment.
    3. Write a customer persona that may have been used prior to developing the ad.
    4. Was the company successful in connecting a potential customer to its products based on the customer persona?  Why or why not?
3.      Project will be due at the beginning of our next class.

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