Friday, April 4, 2014


EQ - How does crowdfunding modernize the concepts of sponsorship requests to be effective?
  1. Activator: LINK - Crowdfunding
    1. Article - What is Crowdfunding
      1. Reading Strategies List
        1. Set a Purpose
        2. Previewing
        3. Predicting
        4. Making Connections to previous learning
      2. Metacognitive Conversation
        1. Talk to the Text*
        2. Metacognitive Reading Log*
  2. What is Kickstarter?

  3.  Collaborative Pairs - Website Exploration
    1. What do all projects posted to Kickstarter have in common?
    2. Choose your favorite campaign.
    3. Describe what appeals to you about this campaign.
  4. TPS - Develop Our Project Components
  5. Announcing Our Campaign Project

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