Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Introduction to Sales

EQ - How do I develop a successful sales pitch?
  1. Activator - Sell me this pen
    1. Student volunteers try to sell Mr. Hill a pen
    2. Peer Evaluation - What was effective?  What wasn't?
  2. Introduction to Sales
    1. Importance of Sales within the economy
    2. Marketing Jobs/Sales Connection
  3. Advance Organizer
    1. Complete the organizer
    2. Prep for a class discussion
  4. Class Discussion
    1. Your responses
    2. Thoughts
    3. Q & A
  5. Reading Apprenticeship - How to Sell in 60 Seconds (Tony Parinello)
    1. Actively Read
    2. Talk to the text
    3. Group Review
    4. Teacher Prompt - How can you use this to improve the earlier sales pitches?
  6. Craft a sales strategy to sell Mr. Hill the pen.
  7. Re-try
  8. Evaluation
  9. Apply today's learning to your Unit Assessment
    1. You MUST sell your concept to a potential MLB owner
    2. Develop a sales pitch to sell your team
    3. Pitches begin next week

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