Monday, September 28, 2015

Price Considerations of the PLC

EQ - What pricing considerations must be considered at different stages of the product life cycle?

Day 1
  1. Activator – How would you find the perfect price for a product?
  2. Use your understanding of the PLC to complete the following:
    1. In groups of 2, identify a famous product (different from any other group’s choice) and where it is in the product life cycle.
    2. Research the current price and what factors are influencing the product’s current price.
    3. Compose a blog post to reporting your findings.
Day 2
  1. Activator – Reply thoughtfully to at least one other group’s post (more than I agree)
  2. Lecture – Price determination
    1. Price, cost, profit, markup, markdown, break-even
  3. Collaborative Pairs - Content Exploration
  4. Practice problem
  5. AP – How are prices determined?
  6. Pricing Calculations Assignment
Day 3
  1. Activator – Ethical Dilemmas
  2. Write a personal blog post – Prompt: How should you price your product if it is a life-saving drug?
  3. Distribute Rubric
  4. Respond thoughtfully to at least 2 peer’s postings (more than I agree/I disagee)
Assessment – Compose a complete summary that answers the EQ.

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