Previous EQ - How can we find a viable target market?
EQ - How do I explain the fundamental marketing strategies?
EQ - How do I explain the fundamental marketing strategies?
- Activator - Favorite Super Bowl Commercials (Commercials)
- Discussion - The cost of 30 seconds is what?!?!
- What makes it worth it for a business to use a Super Bowl commercial as a marketing tactic?
- Class Collaboration - As a class, define the various target markets for Super Bowl advertisers.
- Collaborative Pairs - Develop a customer persona for one of the target markets (on the board)
- Drawing Conclusions - What do all of these ads have in common?
- Activator - TPS Splashdown: Word Association – What do you think of when you hear the word strategy?
- Discussion Question - Are there opportunities to use strategy in marketing now that we know who our potential customers are?
- Lecture w/ Frayer Foldable - Introduction to Marketing Strategy (The Marketing Mix)
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
- AP – How did the Super Bowl commercials incorporate these marketing strategies to connect with potential customers?
- TPS - Jigsaw 4 P's
- 1's - Product
- 2's – Price
- 3's – Place
- 4's – Promotion
- Muddy Points
- TPS - Why is your group's element of the marketing mix the most important (HOTS - Constructing Support)
- AP - 4 Corners Argument
- Intermission - Muddy Points
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