Monday, February 20, 2017

Trends and The Product Life Cycle

EQ - How does the Product Life Cycle impact marketing teams?
  1. Activator -  Check out these CrazyFads
    1. Review each decade's fads
    2. Choose 1 fad from each decade and describe its impact in American culture
    3. Research the fad to better your understanding of it.
      1. Basic History
      2. How it caught on
      3. When it ended
      4. What caused it to end
    4. Write a 1 page summary of your findings.
  2. Projected trends for 2016
  3. Choose 1 of the Forecasted Trends of 2016
    1. Explore it in a way that you could lead a conversation about the topic
      1. How did the trend begin?
      2. How are companies using the trend in real life?  Be specific and give detailed examples
      3. What are your personal thoughts regarding this trend?  Be specific and detailed when describing your thoughts?
    2. Develop a state-of-the-art visual aid to share this trend with the world.
      1. Create a blog post that includes your answers from the previous assignment.
      2. Incorporate images, videos, links to further engage your audience.
      3. Describe how a business team can incorporate this trend into its marketing efforts to better connect with potential buyers (Be very specific - use a specific company)
      4. Upload your file to Schoology.
  4. TOD - 1/2 sheet response
    1. What patterns have you noticed that exist for most trendy products/ideas?
    2. Predict what this means for a marketing team.

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