Monday, January 29, 2018


  1. Activator - Highlight Reel
    1. Take out your materials from the last two classes.
    2. TPS - Identify the Top 3 items you learned from last class.
  2. Revisiting Mercedes-Benz Stadium
    1. What about the facility sparks conversation?
    2. How/Where are these conversations happening?
  3. Class Collaboration
    1. Groups of 2-3 students
    2. Identify something remarkable that is currently the focus of the sports or entertainment industries.
    3. Identify what makes it remarkable.
    4. How/Where are the conversations happening?
  4. Show & Tell
    1. Create a visual aid to show off your findings
      1. Images
      2. Video
      3. No text
  5. Conversion Rate
    1. Together - Super Bowl Example
    2. Collaboration 
      1. Choose one product/service featured in a Super Bowl ad.
      2. How many products services must be sold to pay for the $5 million ad?
      3. Assuming that each customer only purchases one item, and only customers who saw the ad purchase it, calculate the conversion rate it would require to cover the cost of the ad.
      4. What key business goal is missing from this analysis?
  6. Forward Thinking
    1. How can a company improve its conversion rate?

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