Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Intro to Market Segmentation - Part 2

  1. Activator: Cross Group Collaboration (Groups of 3 - One person from each rotation)
      1. What did you learn today?
      2. Struggles?
      3. Get Help
  2. Direct
    1. Q&A
    2. Speculate - Who would Microsoft target during a Super Bowl commercial for the Xbox
    3. Microsoft's Ad
    4. Speculate - Who was the intended audience? Explain your thinking using evidence from the video.
    5. Discussion - What problems, motivations, etc. did MS know about its target market?
    6. How can we apply this when we identify our own target market?
  3. Independent
    1. Read for Understanding (Remember Annotation Rules)
    2. Complete the assessment prompts
    3. Know and Prove It Assignment - See Schoology for details
  4. Collaborative
    1. Generational Differences Analysis
    2. Create a profile to decribe the average person of that generation as if they were your best friend.
      1. What does all of this really mean?
      2. How can this information help marketers connect with their intended audience?
  5. Debriefing - Cross Group Collaboration (Groups of 3 - One person from each rotation)
    1. What did you learn today?
    2. Struggles?
    3. Get Help
  6. If Time Permits - Be productive
    1. Take advantage of the time to continue working independently or collaboratively
    2. Reminder - Twitter Updates

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