Monday, September 23, 2019

Introduction to Branding

EQ - How can a well-developed brand influence buyers?
  1. Activator: Logo Quiz websites
    2. Logo Quiz 2
      1. How did you know all of these?
      2. What story do these logos tell?
  2. Active Reading - What is a brand? (Reading Apprenticeship)
    1. write questions you have
    2. Unknown words
    3. Key ideas
    4. Summarize after each section
    5. Jot notes in the margins
  3. AP - Comprehension Questionnaire
    1. Discussion Questions Part 1
      1. What is a brand?
      2. How has the term "brand" transformed throughout history?
      3. How can a person in the marketing field create an effective brand?
  4. TOMS Shoes - Story
    1. Discussion Questions
      1. How would you define the brand of TOMS Shoes?
      2. How can self-awareness lead to effective brand development?
    2. Discussion Questions Part 2
      1. Should you consider developing a brand for yourself? Explain.
      2. Do you currently have any personal branding? Explain.
  5. Project - Your Personal Brand
    1. How do you view yourself?
    2. How do others view you?
    3. Are these views congruent?  Why or why not?
    4. How do you want to be viewed?
  6. Prepare to develop a personal brand
    1. In what channels (Place) do you currently have personal branding?
    2. Analyze your current branding using SWOT Analysis.
    3. Consider your various customer segments.
    4. Identify what matters most to these customer segments.
    5. Identify your current Marketing Mix.
  7. Brand Development
    1. Use the handout to generate ideas for your brand.
    2. Show us what you can do.  Do it!
Additional Resources Branding Exploration

Thursday, September 5, 2019


EQ - How can I help Donegal's Mini-Thon by using what I've learned in class?
  1. Activator: Marketing Job Descriptions
  2. Roles Needed & Job Descriptions
    1. Project Lead
    2. Communication & Content Manager
    3. Market Research Analyst
    4. Marketing Strategist
  3. Team Requirements
    1. Pre-Research: Summarize Group's Current Understanding of Mini-Thon
    2. Situational Analysis - SA Overview
      1. What is Mini-Thon?
      2. What is the overall mission of the event?
      3. Target Market Evaluation?
        1. Who is the target market?
        2. Who is actually being targeted?
      4. What has currently been done to communicate Mini-Thon with the TM?
        1. Identify evidence that shows each marketing mix strategy is being used.
        2. Identify Tactics being used.
      5. SWOT Analysis
        1. What can we do to improve the conversion rate?
        2. What else can we do to help the Mini-Thon?
        3. How can we connect with the TM in a meaningful way?
      6. Objectives - Marketing Objectives (YOU MAY NEED MORE THAN ONE)
        1. What are you trying to accomplish?
        2. How will you know that you've succeeded?
        3. Create a deadline.
      7. New Marketing
        1. Customer Persona
        2. New Marketing Strategies
        3. New Marketing Tactics
    3. Evaluation Metrics; How will you measure the effectiveness of each of your market tactics at improving the conversion rate?
      1. Which strategies and tactics will work? 
      2. How do you know each will work?
    4. Execute - Prepare your marketing strategies and tactics

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Developing a Customer Persona

EQ - How do we find a viable target market?
  1. Activator: CP - Describe Your Best Friend
    1. Customer Persona - The Story of the Ideal Customer
      1. Introduction - Handout (Read for Understanding)
      2. CP - Revisit the Activator - Was this similar to a Customer Persona? Explain.
      3. Class Collab - Generation Z Summary
        1. Evaluating Subgroups
        2. How would you support this with evidence?
      4. Class Collab - Sample Customer Persona
      5. CP - Create a Customer Persona for a subgroup of Gen Z
    2. Independent Assessment - Develop a Customer Persona
      1. Resource - Buffer Social
      2. Quiz Prompts posted to Schoology
      3. Rubric Distribution
    3. If time permits - Intro to Mini-Thon PBL

    Tuesday, September 3, 2019

    Using the Methods of Market Segmentation

    EQ - How do I use the MOMS?
    1. Activator - Highlight Reel
      1. Take out your materials from last week's classes.
      2. TPS - Identify the Top 3 items you learned from last week's classes.
    2. 4 Corners - Pizza Talk 
      1. Last week's groups - Count off 1-4 
      2. Each generation is posted to a corner of the room.
      3. Discuss the messaging you created to connect with the generations
      4. Rotate through all 4 corners
    3. Independent - What does this activity teach you about marketing
    4. Together - A deeper look at the methods of market segmentation
    5. Collaboration 
      1. Use the methods of market segmentation to describe members of "Generation Z"
      2. How is this group the same as the previous generations? Different?
      3. Can each generation be broken down into sub groups? Why or why not?
      4. What does this teach us about marketing?
    6. TOD - Write 2 Questions