Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Using the Methods of Market Segmentation

EQ - How do I use the MOMS?
  1. Activator - Highlight Reel
    1. Take out your materials from last week's classes.
    2. TPS - Identify the Top 3 items you learned from last week's classes.
  2. 4 Corners - Pizza Talk 
    1. Last week's groups - Count off 1-4 
    2. Each generation is posted to a corner of the room.
    3. Discuss the messaging you created to connect with the generations
    4. Rotate through all 4 corners
  3. Independent - What does this activity teach you about marketing
  4. Together - A deeper look at the methods of market segmentation
  5. Collaboration 
    1. Use the methods of market segmentation to describe members of "Generation Z"
    2. How is this group the same as the previous generations? Different?
    3. Can each generation be broken down into sub groups? Why or why not?
    4. What does this teach us about marketing?
  6. TOD - Write 2 Questions

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