Friday, January 31, 2020

Assessment - Methods of Market Segmentation

Continuation of previous classes:
  1. Final Prep - 5 mins
  2. Presentations
  3. Reflection
    1. How were the campaigns similar?
    2. How were they different?
    3. Why were they different?
    4. Was anything you created remarkable? How do you know?
  4. Quiz
  5. 21st Century Skills Assessment
  6. If time permits - Intro to customer personas

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Methods of Market Segmentation - Part 2

EQ - How can I use the methods of market segmentation to create remarkable marketing?
  1. Activator: Super Bowl Commercial 
    1. Who is being targeted?
    2. How do you know?
  2. Independent
    1. Read for Understanding (Remember Annotation Rules)
    2. Identify the two most valuable pieces of the article.
    3. Discussion Question - Key idea (connects with last class)
  3. Collaborative
    1. Generational Differences Analysis
    2. Solve the puzzle:
      1. What does all of this really mean?
      2. How can this information help marketers connect with their intended audience?
  4. Collaboration - Generational Pizza
    1. What marketing would you create to encourage each generation to purchase a pizza (use your analysis to support your idea(s).
  5. AP - How would you describe the characteristics that define your generation?
    1. Debriefing
      1. Cross Group Collaboration (Groups of 3 - One person from each rotation)
        1. What did you learn today?
        2. Struggles?
        3. Get Help

    Friday, January 24, 2020

    Intro to Marketing (Day 3)

    EQ - How can we create the remarkable?
    1. Twitter Account Activation
      1. @justinhill33
      2. #marketingwithhill
    2. Activator - Highlight Reel
      1. Know, Think You Know, Want to Gain
      2. Take out your materials from the last two classes.
      3. TPS - Identify the Top 3 items you learned from last two classes.
    3. Intro to Marketing
      1. Defined
      2. Goods, Services, Transactions
      3. Marketing Concept
      4. Evaluate People
      5. Methods of Market Segmentation
    4. Data Analysis (Instagram)
      1. Teacher-led demo
      2. Categorize the info into M.O.M.S. categories
      3. Describe Teacher's online identity
    5. Personal Data Analysis
      1. Your Turn w/ Your Account
      2. Categorize
      3. Describe your online identity
    6. Reflection Questions:
      1. Describe your thoughts on what you learned today.
      2. What does this really mean?
      3. How can this help you create remarkable marketing?
    7. TOD/HW - 21st Century Skills Assessment

    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    Intro to Marketing - Day 2

    EQ - What is marketing?
    1. Activator - Twitter Assignment (officially starts Monday)
    2. Direct - "You Can't Buy Attention"
      1. What is remarkable?
        1. Examples - Purple Cow, Others?
    3. Independent
      1. Interruption Analysis
    4. Collaboration
      1. Identify something remarkable that is currently the focus of the sports or entertainment industries.
      2. Identify what makes it remarkable.
      3. How/Where are the conversations happening?
      4. Show & Tell
        1. Create a visual aid to show off your findings
          1. Images
          2. Video
          3. No text
    5. Discussion/Debriefing
    6. 21st Century Skills Self-Assessment

    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    Intro to Sports and Entertainment Marketing

    EQ - What are the expectations that I must meet to be successful in this class?
    1. Find Your Seats
    2. Group Organization
    3. Hybrid - All materials are found in Schoology
      1. Direct
        1. Class Overview
        2. Student Survey
      2. Independent
        1. Personal SWOT Activity
        2. SWOT Reflection - Turn this in
      3. Collaborative
        1. Mind Map - "Just Care"
        2. Self-Reflection - Turn this in
    4. Debriefing
      1. Just Care
      2. Q&A
      3. What's Next

    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Final Marketing Plan - My Band Challenge

    This project will allow you to create a marketing strategy for an up-and-coming musician.  You may choose a band from the Launch Music Conference website or use a band with members from DHS.

    PART 1
    1. Graphic Organizer - Use this to complete the situational analysis 
      1. You can print a copy of this or take notes on paper that follows this format.
    2. Review the elements of a Situation Analysis
      1. Historical Overview
      2. Industry Overview
      3. Current Marketing Trends within the industry
      4. Current Marketing in use
      5. SWOT Analysis
      6. Analysis Summary
    3. Recommendations:
      1. Choose a band/musician from the Launch Music Conference Event Page
      2. Make a List of 25 Things About the Band
        1. Visit the band's site
        2. Search Social Media
        3. Google News and Info
        4. Create a sim-card foldable to organize the 4 P's you see
      3. Compose a Situation Analysis
      4. Analyze using SWOT
    PART 2
    1. Mini-lesson – Market Segmentation
      1. Process of Market Segmentation
      2. Purpose
    2. Defining the Target Market *
      1. Identify the band's target market using the methods of segmentation
      2. Justify this decision in a one-paragraph response
      3. Remember *This market must be meaningful*
    3. Objective Development *
      1. What does the band do (Be absolutely specific - we know they make music, but what separates them from everyone else?)
      2. Establish goals for the band (Why does this band exist)
      3. Create Marketing Objectives
    4. Mini-lesson – Strategies & Tactics
      1. Defined
      2. Connection to each other
    5. Strategy Development *
      1. Your experiences and materials from class should help you 
      2. *REMEMBER* What are you and the band trying to achieve by creating this marketing plan?  These strategies must align with the Mission Statement.
    6. Tactic Development *
      1. Develop at least 5 tactics to execute your strategy for promoting the band
      2. See the project guidelines handout for additional details
      3. *Remember* You may need to incentivize fans to help you
    7. Evaluate Promotional Goals
      1. How will you know if your plan is working?
    8. Launching the Marketing Plan
      1. Organize the overall promotional plan
      2. Create a timetable for implementation
      3. Determine your benchmark assessments to determine the success of the plan
      4. Establish deadlines to modify and adjust the plan as necessary
    9. Supplementary Materias
      1. What materials exist that can support your plan?
      2. Have you referenced them throughout the marketing plan?