Friday, November 30, 2012

Product Life Cycle

EQ – How do the laws of supply and demand impact the Product Life Cycle?
  1. Social Responsibility - Extraordinary Give Vote
  2. Activator: Coke Price Rises With Heat
  3. Team Project (Part A)
    1. Pick a Product (good or service)
    2. Identify how customers experience utility with the product
    3. SWOT analysis
  4. Foldable - Introduction to the Product Life Cycle
    1. Stages
    2. Description of stages
  5. Brainstorm Discussion Question
    1. How does the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility influence the PLC?
  6. Team Project (Part B) 
    1. Identify where your product falls on it's PLC
    2. Describe how you made your determination
    3. Propose how you, as a marketing team, would increase demand for the product.
    4. Prepare to share with the class.
  7. Class Review
  8. TOD - Describe the PLC

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Testing Economic Utility

EQ - How does economic utility impact supply and demand?
  1. Q & A
  2. Quiz
  3. Food Experiment: Consumption Utility *
  4. Example of Charting Utility
  5. Chart your Consumption Utility
  6. TOD – What did this experiment illustrate regarding a customer’s economic utility?
  7. Looking Ahead: How do you think economic utility impacts supply and demand?
  8. TPS – Types of Utility (p. 35)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Economic Utility

EQ – How are the forms of economic utility different?
  1. Activator: Economically Speaking: Pumped Up Over Cheap Gas
  2. Pair Think 
    1. What is the connection to Supply & Demand?
    2. What were some Opportunity Costs for the customers?
    3. How many of you would be pleased with this buying experience? Why or why not?
  3. Discussion
  4. Peer Review - Economic Utility- Consumption- Form- Time- Place- Possession
  5. TOD - Answer the EQ
  6. Preview of tomorrow's activity

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Economics of Marketing

EQ – How do I explain the concepts of supply and demand?

  1. Activator: Auction
  2. Economics of Supply and Demand Supply and Demand on Prezi
  3. Plotting the Supply and Demand Schedules
  4. Equilibrium, Surplus, Deficit
  5. Peer 2 Peer - Explain Supply and Demand

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Marketing Strategy

EQ – How do companies effectively use marketing strategy?

  1. Guidelines for today's class
    1. Today's Meet
  2. Marketing Strategy Class Guide
  3. What is Marketing Strategy? Define
  4. MCD’s Strategy
  5. Marketing Tactics? Define
  6. MCD’s Tactics
  7. Effective Planning: Group 1 - Today's Meet
  8. Situational Analysis: Group 2 - Today's Meet
  9. Marketing Plans: Group 3 - Today's Meet
  10. Articulating Strategy: Group 4 - Today's Meet
Additional Food For Thought - Why Your Mission Statement Probably Stinks

Monday, November 12, 2012

Homework Assigned 11/12

  1. How have the presentations viewed today expanded your perceptions of marketing?  
  2. What elements of the presentations were your favorites?

Promotion Campaign Pitch

Each team will present its sales pitch for the National Wheelchair Basketball Association. 

Please prepare the rubric for your team as be prepared as your teams are called.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Today's Goals

  1. Finalize Planning & Preparation
  2. Identify the BEST method to send this message to your Target Market
  3. Create a 3-5 minute presentation to detail your promotional plan
    1. Include the following:
      1. What your plan is
      2. How you will execute the plan
      3. What you ultimately hope to achieve
      4. How you will measure success
  4. We will present tomorrow

Monday, November 5, 2012

Project Extra Innings

Your advertising company has been asked to design an attention-getting and income-producing promotional campaign for the National Wheelchair Basketball Association (NWBA).

Click to Visit
Work as a team of 2-3 to complete the following activities.

  1. Using the Internet, research the history of wheelchair basketball.  Learn how and when it started and how it has expanded over the years.  Be sure to learn how it has included women and college students.  Make notes about its tournaments and championships, and include information about its star athletes.  Find out the market size of citizens in the U.S. who use wheelchairs.
  2. Write an OUTLINE of points you think the public would be interested to know.
  3. Help the NWBA determine its promotional goals.
  4. Determine how, through promotion, the NWBA might move from a niche market to a mainstream market.
  5. Write a one-page publicity piece about the NWBA to send to major newspapers across the country.
  6. Through your research, determine at least 2 potential, influential endorsers.
  7. Prepare a proposal for 3 major corporations, asking for their sponsorship for the next NWBA championships.
**Please remember to incorporate your learning and understanding of sponsorships and endorsements into your team's work**

Visit the NWBA @

Friday, November 2, 2012

Got Milk

Got Milk Assignment
  • Find an image of a Got Milk ad (appropriate for school)
  • Identify the company responsible for the advertisement
  • Identify the reasons this company chose to use an endorser for Milk
  • How did the company view the celebrity prior to signing them on as an endorser? (at least 3)
  • What do we know about this ad? (Legally)
  • What are 2 disadvantages of using this person for this ad? (FACTS)