Thursday, April 9, 2015

PLC Project

EQ - How does the PLC influence marketing strategy?

  1. Activator TPS – Create a list of products that have made an impact in your life.
  2. Use your understanding of the PLC to complete the following:
    1. In groups of 2-3, identify a famous product (different from any other group’s choice)
    2. Research the product and take notes on its history (CREATE A WORKS CITED)
    3. Analyze the current marketing mix for this product AND determine its current PLC stage.
    4. Prove that you are correct by citing specific details from your research (WORKS CITED).
    5. As a group, compose a blog post to reporting your findings (USE IN TEXT CITATIONS).
    6. Find and incorporate meaningful images into this blog post.
    7. Write an effective headline for your posting.

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