Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Intro to Branding

EQ - How can a well-developed brand influence buyers?
  1. Activator: Logo Quiz websites
    1. http://www.logoquiz.net/
    2. Logo Quiz 2
      1. How did you know all of these?
      2. What story do these logos tell?
  2. Active Reading - What is a brand? (Reading Apprenticeship)
    1. write questions you have
    2. Unknown words
    3. Key ideas
    4. Summarize after each section
    5. Jot notes in the margins
  3. AP - Comprehension Questionnaire
  4. Discussion Questions Part 1
    1. What is a brand?
    2. How has the term "brand" transformed throughout history?
    3. How can a person in the marketing field create an effective brand?
  5. Discussion Questions Part 2
    1. Should you consider developing a brand for yourself? Explain.
    2. Do you currently have any personal branding? Explain.
  6. Project - Your Personal Brand
    1. How do you view yourself?
    2. How do others view you?
    3. Are these views congruent?  Why or why not?
    4. How do you want to be viewed?
  7. Prepare to develop a personal brand
    1. In what channels (Place) do you currently have personal branding?
    2. Analyze your current branding using SWOT Analysis.
    3. Consider your various customer segments.
    4. Identify what matters most to these customer segments.
    5. Identify your current Marketing Mix.
  8. Brand Development
    1. Use the handout to generate ideas for your brand.
    2. Show us what you can do.  Do it!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Trends and The Product Life Cycle

EQ - How does the Product Life Cycle impact marketing teams?
  1. Activator -  Check out these CrazyFads
    1. Review each decade's fads
    2. Choose 1 fad from each decade and describe its impact in American culture
    3. Research the fad to better your understanding of it.
      1. Basic History
      2. How it caught on
      3. When it ended
      4. What caused it to end
    4. Write a 1 page summary of your findings.
  2. Projected trends for 2016
  3. Choose 1 of the Forecasted Trends of 2016
    1. Explore it in a way that you could lead a conversation about the topic
      1. How did the trend begin?
      2. How are companies using the trend in real life?  Be specific and give detailed examples
      3. What are your personal thoughts regarding this trend?  Be specific and detailed when describing your thoughts?
    2. Develop a state-of-the-art visual aid to share this trend with the world.
      1. Create a blog post that includes your answers from the previous assignment.
      2. Incorporate images, videos, links to further engage your audience.
      3. Describe how a business team can incorporate this trend into its marketing efforts to better connect with potential buyers (Be very specific - use a specific company)
      4. Upload your file to Schoology.
  4. TOD - 1/2 sheet response
    1. What patterns have you noticed that exist for most trendy products/ideas?
    2. Predict what this means for a marketing team.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Evaluating the Marketing Mix

EQ - How do I create an effective marketing mix?
  1. Activator – AP - Collaborative Pairs Ad Review
    1. HOTS - Compare and Contrast
      1. Commercial 1
      2. Commercial 2
        1. What similarities exist between the two TV commercials?
        2. What differences exist between the two TV commercials?
        3. Explain why the similarities and differences exist.
    2. Discussion Question - How do you think customers responded after being bombarded with these ads?
      1. Identify the Target Market
      2. Explain the Customer Persona used to develop the ad
      3. Identify the elements of the marketing mix in the ad
      4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the ad at making a connection with the target market
      5. Does it look like THIS?  Why or why not?
    3. Discussion Question - Why did the 3rd company respond this way?
  2. Muddy Points Grab Bag
  3. AP - CP - Day at the Beach – Mini Golf
    1. AP – Identify a target market
    2. AP – Develop a customer persona for your target market
    3. Serve as a Consultant for a boardwalk business
      1. AP - Develop a marketing mix for this business to connect with the target market
    4. Create a marketing tactic to connect to your target market
  4. Group Presentations – Share the results of the groups work
    1. Audience – Utilize an organizer to jot notes
    2. AP - Audience – How well did they define their customer segment?
    3. AP - Audience – How accurately have they depicted the Marketing Mix?
    4. AP – Do you think the marketing would be effective? Why or why not?
  5. TOD
    1. AP - How did identifying the customer persona help you evaluate the opportunity to satisfy a mini golfer?
    2. AP – How can fundamental marketing strategy influence a target market?

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Analyzing the Marketing Mix

EQ - How can a fundamental marketing strategy impact a target market?
  1. Activator - Muddy Points Review
  2. Quiz - Elements of the marketing mix
  3. AP - 4 Corners Argument – Why is your element of the marketing mix the most important? (Extended Thinking - Constructing Support)
  4. Intermission - Muddy Points
  5. College Refrigerator Story
  6. AP – Omeletteville
    1. TPS - Identify elements of the video that depict the marketing mix
    2. Class Discussion
  7. AP – What would you do differently to enhance the effectiveness of the marking mix?  Explain.
  8. OYO - Choose a piece of marketing and complete the following:
    1. Identify each strategic element of the marketing based on the marketing mix.
    2. Identify the customer persona that the marketing targeted.
    3. Define the larger target market for the marketing.
    4. Complete a SWOT Analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing making a connection with the intended target market.
    5. Describe at least 3 ways the company could increase the number of gross impressions.
  9. TOD - Muddy Points

Monday, February 6, 2017

Intro to the Marketing Mix

Previous EQ - How can we find a viable target market?

EQ - How do I explain the fundamental marketing strategies?
  1. Activator - Favorite Super Bowl Commercials (Commercials)
  2. Discussion - The cost of 30 seconds is what?!?!
    1. What makes it worth it for a business to use a Super Bowl commercial as a marketing tactic?
  3. Class Collaboration - As a class, define the various target markets for Super Bowl advertisers.
  4. Collaborative Pairs - Develop a customer persona for one of the target markets (on the board)
  5. Drawing Conclusions - What do all of these ads have in common?
  6. Activator - TPS Splashdown:  Word Association – What do you think of when you hear the word strategy?
  7. Discussion Question - Are there opportunities to use strategy in marketing now that we know who our potential customers are?
  8. Lecture w/ Frayer Foldable - Introduction to Marketing Strategy (The Marketing Mix)
    1. Product
    2. Price
    3. Place
    4. Promotion
  9. AP – How did the Super Bowl commercials incorporate these marketing strategies to connect with potential customers?
  10. TPS - Jigsaw 4 P's 
    1. 1's - Product
    2. 2's – Price
    3. 3's – Place
    4. 4's – Promotion
  11. Muddy Points
  12. TPS - Why is your group's element of the marketing mix the most important (HOTS - Constructing Support)
  13. AP - 4 Corners Argument 
  14. Intermission - Muddy Points