Thursday, August 29, 2019

Assessment Work Time

EQ - How do I develop marketing for a target market?
  1. Activator - Describe the target market of this piece of marketing.
  2. TPS: Discussion Question - How did the marketing team know that this would connect meaningfully with the target market? 
  3. Collaboration
    1. Work as a group to create a unique strategies to sell a product to each generational group.
    2. How were your strategies different for generational group?
    3. Why were they different?  Be specific and provide support from your research.
  4. Independent
    1. Finalize your Know & Prove It assignment and submit to Schoology.
  5. TOD - 21st Century Skills Assessment

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Intro to Market Segmentation - Part 2

  1. Activator: Cross Group Collaboration (Groups of 3 - One person from each rotation)
      1. What did you learn today?
      2. Struggles?
      3. Get Help
  2. Direct
    1. Q&A
    2. Speculate - Who would Microsoft target during a Super Bowl commercial for the Xbox
    3. Microsoft's Ad
    4. Speculate - Who was the intended audience? Explain your thinking using evidence from the video.
    5. Discussion - What problems, motivations, etc. did MS know about its target market?
    6. How can we apply this when we identify our own target market?
  3. Independent
    1. Read for Understanding (Remember Annotation Rules)
    2. Complete the assessment prompts
    3. Know and Prove It Assignment - See Schoology for details
  4. Collaborative
    1. Generational Differences Analysis
    2. Create a profile to decribe the average person of that generation as if they were your best friend.
      1. What does all of this really mean?
      2. How can this information help marketers connect with their intended audience?
  5. Debriefing - Cross Group Collaboration (Groups of 3 - One person from each rotation)
    1. What did you learn today?
    2. Struggles?
    3. Get Help
  6. If Time Permits - Be productive
    1. Take advantage of the time to continue working independently or collaboratively
    2. Reminder - Twitter Updates

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Intro to Market Segmentation - Part 1

  1. Creating Remarkable - Presentations
  2. AP - How do we know if what we created was remarkable?
  3. Direct
    1. Q&A
    2. Intro to Conversion Rate - Together - Super Bowl Commercial Example
    3. Speculate - What was the rationale behind the company creating this ad?
    4. Speculate - Who was the intended audience? Explain your thinking.
    5. Discussion Question - Did this ad convert the intended audience? Why or why not?
    6. How can a company improve its conversion rate?
  4. Independent
    1. Read for Understanding (Remember Annotation Rules)
    2. Complete the assessment prompts
  5. Collaborative
    1. Generational Differences Analysis
    2. Solve the puzzle:
      1. What does all of this really mean?
      2. How can this information help marketers connect with their intended audience?
  6. Debriefing
    1. Cross Group Collaboration (Groups of 3 - One person from each rotation)
      1. What did you learn today?
      2. Struggles?
      3. Get Help

Monday, August 26, 2019

Intro to Marketing - Part 3

EQ - How can we create the remarkable?
  1. Twitter Account Activation
    1. @justinhill33
    2. #marketingwithhill
  2. Activator - Highlight Reel
    1. Know, Think You Know, Want to Gain
    2. Take out your materials from the last two classes.
    3. TPS - Identify the Top 3 items you learned from last two classes.
  3. What does it mean if something is remarkable?
    1. Recap
    2. Share Remarkable Marketing
      1. Class Collaboration
        1. Groups of 2-3 students
        2. Identify something remarkable that is currently the focus of the sports or entertainment industries.
        3. Identify what makes it remarkable.
        4. How/Where are the conversations happening?
      2. Show & Tell
        1. Create a visual aid to show off your findings
          1. Images
          2. Video
          3. No text
  4. Intro to Marketing
    1. Defined
    2. Goods, Services, Transactions
    3. Marketing Concept
    4. Evaluate People
    5. SWOT Analysis
    6. Remarkable Marketing
  5. First Attempt - Create Remarkable
  6. AP - How do we know if our marketing was remarkable?

Friday, August 23, 2019

Intro to Marketing - Part 2

EQ - What is marketing?

  1. Activator - Purple Cow
    1. What is remarkable?
  2. Direct - Revisiting "You Can't Buy Attention"
  3. Independent
    1. Interruption Analysis
  4. Collaboration
    1. Identify something remarkable that is currently the focus of the sports or entertainment industries.
    2. Identify what makes it remarkable.
    3. How/Where are the conversations happening?
    4. Show & Tell
      1. Create a visual aid to show off your findings
        1. Images
        2. Video
        3. No text
  5. Discussion/Debriefing
  6. 21st Century Skills Self-Assessment

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Intro to Marketing - Day 1

EQ - What is marketing?

  1. Activator - Twitter Game & Rationale
  2. Hybrid
    1. Direct - Yesterday's Collaboration
    2. Collaboration
      1. Step 1: Independent
        1. Take 1/2 sheet of paper and write a list of what you know about marketing on the paper
      2. Step 2: Partnership
        1. Place a star next to the items that you have in common
        2. With one other person in your group, share your list.
      3. Step 3: Entire Group Collaboration
        1. Share ALL of the items from each person's list
        2. Vote on the TOP 10 and make a list of "The Top 10 Things We Already Know About Marketing" 
      4. Step 4: Document Your List
        1. Nominate someone from your group to take a picture of the Top 10 List
        2. That person should submit the photo AND all group members' names to this assignment drop box.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Welcome to Sports and Entertainment Marketing

EQ - What are the expectations that I must meet to be successful in this class?
  1. Find Your Seats
  2. Group Organization
  3. Hybrid - All materials are found in Schoology
    1. Direct
      1. Class Overview
      2. Student Survey
    2. Independent
      1. Personal SWOT Activity
      2. SWOT Reflection - Turn this in
    3. Collaborative
      1. Mind Map - "Just Care"
      2. Self-Reflection - Turn this in
  4. Debriefing
    1. Just Care
    2. Q&A
    3. What's Next