Thursday, February 26, 2015

Preparing a Sales Pitch

  1. Sales Pitch Example
  2. Sales Pitch Questionnaire
    1. Was this an effective sales pitch?  Why or why not?  (provide at least 3 points of support)
    2. Identify what the Sharks were looking for to say yes.
    3. Was a relationship developed between the sales person and the prospective customers?  Explain.
  3. Making a Sales Pitch Organizer
    1. Review Marketing Concept
    2. Review Marketing Mix
    3. Actively Read Page 3
    4. Discussion
    5. Complete the Summarizer (page 4)
  4. Class Discussion - How do I make an effective sales pitch?
  5. Do it - Sell your MLB Franchise
    1. Create a Pitch
    2. Create a Visual Aid to support you pitch
  6. Pitches begin next week

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Introduction to Sales

EQ - How do I develop a successful sales pitch?
  1. Activator - Sell me this pen
    1. Student volunteers try to sell Mr. Hill a pen
    2. Peer Evaluation - What was effective?  What wasn't?
  2. Introduction to Sales
    1. Importance of Sales within the economy
    2. Marketing Jobs/Sales Connection
  3. Advance Organizer
    1. Complete the organizer
    2. Prep for a class discussion
  4. Class Discussion
    1. Your responses
    2. Thoughts
    3. Q & A
  5. Reading Apprenticeship - How to Sell in 60 Seconds (Tony Parinello)
    1. Actively Read
    2. Talk to the text
    3. Group Review
    4. Teacher Prompt - How can you use this to improve the earlier sales pitches?
  6. Craft a sales strategy to sell Mr. Hill the pen.
  7. Re-try
  8. Evaluation
  9. Apply today's learning to your Unit Assessment
    1. You MUST sell your concept to a potential MLB owner
    2. Develop a sales pitch to sell your team
    3. Pitches begin next week

Friday, February 20, 2015

Branding Your Team

Excellent job!!!  The commissioner believes that your work will be approved and your city selected as the site for the next MLB team.  He is thoroughly impressed with your reasoning and your efforts to show the proposed location of the stadium.  

You must now develop a branding strategy for your new team.  The heart of the branding strategy is the team name.  Research the history, culture, and any other information that will help you develop a team name.  You MUST write a composition to justify your decision.  

The following is for Monday

As you know, every team must have a unique uniform.  Because of your success in impressing the league, you have been chosen to design your team’s uniform and apparel. 

Let your creativity run wild and design your team’s uniform.  Think about color schemes and how these decisions might affect buyer behavior.  Remember, sports teams make a lot of revenue from sales of team apparel, therefore, it must appeal to the fans.

The following website will help you complete your task.  CLICK HERE

Lastly, write a paragraph to justify each branding decisions you have made
(Team Name, Color Scheme)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

MLB Paper Requirements

You did an excellent job on your first two days on the job.  Today your task involves making a final decision.  Complete your city research and determine the best location for your new team.

You must compose an informative paper to explain and justify your decision.  Be sure to include the elements from our current unit of study (on the board).

Save this paper assignment as MLB City Selection in your student folder.

Introduces your research and provides the benchmark information used to make your decision (details of the average MLB location).

Describes City “A” in great detail.  Explain what makes this city a viable location for your MLB Team.  This includes a SWOT analysis.

Describes City “B” in great detail.  Explain what makes this city a viable location for your MLB Team.  This includes a SWOT analysis.

Announces your city selection AND provides justification of your decision.  Explain all of the deciding factors that led you to your decision.

After you finish your paper

  1. Find a specific location within your city to build your team's stadium. 
  2. Use Google Maps to provide photo evidence of this location.
  3. Use 3 levels of zoom for this photo
    1. Zoom 1 - Shows the entire metropolitan area and surrounding locations.  This also includes a circled area denoting the stadium location.
    2. Zoom 2 - Zooms in on the circled area and shows major roads near the stadium.  There is a circled area to show the specific site.
    3. Zoom 3 - Shows only the stadium location. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Unit Assessment

EQ - How do I develop an equitable brand?
  1. Activator - Splashdown: Marketing Concepts learned throughout our current semester
  2. Introduction to Assessment Project - Welcome to MLB
  3. Part 1 - Target Market Analysis - Use your understanding of Buyer Behavior and Market Segmentation to complete the following tasks:
    1. Identify 2 U.S. cities in which no MLB team currently exists
    2. Evaluate the market by completing a full analysis of the potential market (remember the methods of market segmentation)
    3. Analyze the inhabitants of EACH city, its current infrastructure, the needs and wants of the market, etc.)
    4. Compare and contrast the results of your research and justify your decision identifying the most meaningful target market. (Include a SWOT analysis with analysis)
    5. Summarize this process in writing (MS Word/Google Drive)
  4. Activator – TPS – What makes a great location for a pro stadium?
  5. Part 2 - Location Analysis (Transportation Systems, Local Businesses,No flood zone,Etc.)
    1. Introduction to Google Maps - Use Google Maps to show the location of the stadium within your chosen city
    2. Introduction to Screen Shots – Create a detailed image to indicate the proposed location for a new MLB stadium
  6. Activator – NFL Team Name Puzzle
  7. Part 3 - Brand Development
    1. What’s in a name?
    2. Use your market analysis to develop a Brand for your new franchise (based on the history, heritage, or cultural identity of the city's inhabitants)
    3. Using a uniform design generator create a uniform for your franchise - Choose colors that match this area for your uniform
  8. Activator – Sell this pen
  9. Part 4 - Introduction to Sales
    1. Characteristics of an effective presentation
    2. 10 Principles for the Best Sales Pitch Ever (Reading Apprenticeship)
    3. Overview of Prezi
    4. Prepare a Prezi as a Sales Pitch to announce the newest franchise and garner support of other league owners.
  10. Part 5 - Presentations

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Finalize Branding Assignment

EQ - How is a competitive brand established?

  1. Activator - TPS Splashdown:  What is the purpose of a brand?
  2. Finalize Branding Project
  3. AP - How is a competitive brand established?
  4. Brief Presentations of project results
  5. TPS - Answer the EQ
  6. Debriefing

Friday, February 6, 2015

Branding Continued

EQ - How is a competitive brand established?
  1. Activator - Comprehension Questionnaire
  2. Project - Your Personal Brand
    1. Discussion Questions
      1. Should you consider developing a brand for yourself? Explain.
      2. Do you currently have any personal branding? Explain
    2. Prepare to develop a personal brand
      1. In what channels (Place) do you currently have personal branding?
      2. Analyze your current branding using SWOT Analysis.
      3. Consider your various customer segments.
      4. Identify what matters most to these customer segments.
      5. Identify your current Marketing Mix.
    3.  Development
      1. Use the handout to generate ideas for your brand.
      2. Show us what you can do.  Do it!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


  1. Activator - Q&A Marketing Mix
  2. Quiz
EQ - How is a competitive brand established?
  1. Activator - Famous Logo Quiz
  2. Active Reading - The Basics of Branding
    1. Write questions you have
    2. Unknown words
    3. Key ideas
    4. Summarize after each section
    5. Jot notes in the margins
  3. Comprehension Questionnaire
  4. Project - Your Personal Brand
    1. Discussion Questions
      1. Should you consider developing a brand for yourself? Explain.
      2. Do you currently have any personal branding? Explain
    2. Prepare to develop a personal brand
      1. In what channels (Place) do you currently have personal branding?
      2. Analyze your current branding using SWOT Analysis.
      3. Consider your various customer segments.
      4. Identify what matters most to these customer segments.
      5. Identify your current Marketing Mix.
    3.  Development
      1. Use the handout to generate ideas for your brand.
      2. Show us what you can do.  Do it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Analyzing the Marketing Mix

EQ – How do the elements of the marketing mix influence the target market?
  1. Activator: Think Fast (As a Team)
    • What are the 4 elements of the marketing mix?
    • What is marketing?
    • How do the 4 P's fit into marketing?
  2. Additional Marketing Mix Notes
    1. *Lands End*
    2. Pitch A Perfect Game
  3. TPS - Analyze the Marketing Mix for Omeletteville
  4. OYO - Marketing Mix Analysis - Identify the elements of the Marketing Mix as seen in this video
  5. Discussion Question: What happened that caused Domino's to change the way the company does business?
  6. TPS - 1/2 sheet:  What are your thoughts on Domino's plan (a good idea)? Why or why not?
  7. TOD 
    1. How has Domino's used the Marketing Mix to market its new product?
    2. How can an NFL football team use the marketing mix to market its product?

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Marketing Mix

EQ - How can we find a viable target market?

  1. Activator - Solution Grab Bag
  2. Classroom Discussion - What went wrong?
  3. Collection of the Assessment

EQ - How can fundamental marketing strategy influence a target market

  1. Activator
    • TPS Splashdown:  Word Association – What do you think of when you hear the word strategy?
  2. Discussion Question - Are there opportunities to use strategy in marketing now that we know who our potential customers are?
  3. Lecture w/ Frayer Foldable - Introduction to Marketing Strategy (The Marketing Mix)
    • Product
    • Price
    • Place
    • Promotion
  4. AP – How can we use these strategies to connect with our potential customers?
  5. Jigsaw 4 P's (Note card groups)
    • Blue/Green- Product
    • Blue – Price
    • Pink – Place
    • Yellow - Promotion
  6. AP - 4 Corners Argument – Why is your element of the marketing mix the most important? (Extended Thinking - Constructing Support)
  7. Intermission - Muddy Points
  8. Activator - College Refrigerator Story
  9. Group Activity - Day at the Beach – Mini Golf
    • AP - Identify a customer persona of a beach goer
    • AP - Identify a marketing mix for this opportunity
  10. Group Presentation – Share the results of the groups work
    • Audience – Utilize an organizer to jot notes
    • AP - Audience – How well did they define their customer segment?
    • AP - Audience – How accurately have they depicted the Marketing Mix?
  11. Class Discussion - How did your marketing mix influence your target market?
  12. TOD
    • AP - How did identifying the customer persona help you evaluate the opportunity to satisfy a mini golfer?
    • AP – How can fundamental marketing strategy influence a target market?