Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Market Segmentation

EQ – What is a target market and how are target markets determined?
  1. Q & A
  2. Buyer Behavior Quiz
  3. Activator: Burton Snowboards Case Study – Read & take notes- Summarize your reading (Outline form)- Answer the Questions (4)
  4. Discussion – How do you think Burton determines who will purchase their product?
  5. 4-3 Preview- Complete the section outline
  6. Discussion- What is a target market?- Market segment?- How are markets segmented?
  7. TPS -  Show what you know: Think of examples of products and their corresponding target markets
  8.  *Flow chart*- Market Assumptions
  9. Meaningful Market Segments
  10. Determine Burton’s target market

Monday, January 30, 2012

Bob's Bottomless Boats

EQ – Why is it important to understand buyer behavior when making marketing decisions?
  1. Activator -Hot Seat
  2. Case Study - Bob's Bottomless Boats
  3. Discussion
  4. Reviewing The Least You Need to Know
  5. Quiz Prep - Create a study guide
Quiz on Buyer Behavior - Tomorrow

    Thursday, January 26, 2012

    Buyer Behavior

    EQ – Why is it important to understand buyer behavior when making marketing decisions?
    1. Activator - Dream Purchase
    2. Opportunity Cost
    3. TPS Discussion - Why do you want your Dream Purchase?
    4. Buying Motives
    5. TPS Discussion - What type of purchase is your Dream Purchase?
    6. Intro Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs*
    7. Discussion - How do marketers use this information?
    8. TOD - Muddy Points

    Tuesday, January 24, 2012

    Understanding Buyer Behavior

    EQ – Why is it important to understand buyer behavior when making marketing decisions?
    1. Homework check
    2. Discussion
    3. Activator: Chalk Talk – Why do you purchase things?
    5. Advanced Organizer – Vocab & Maslow (Add Opportunity Cost)
    6. Read Textbook p. 97-100 – Define Vocabulary – Summarize your reading 1/2 sheet
    7. Google’s Super Bowl Ad
    8. Discussion – Understanding Buyer Behavior – Consumer Spending Habits
      • Opportunity Cost
      • Buying Motives
    9. OYO -How this has effected you.
      • Think of a time when you purchased something to show support for your favorite team.
      • Explain how Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs impacted your purchase.
      • Determine your motive for the purchase.
      • What was the opportunity cost of your purchase

    Monday, January 23, 2012

    Crystal Pepsi's Attempt at Greatness

    EQ – Why might a product’s marketing mix be flawless yet unsuccessful?
    1. Activator: Mistakes
      1. What is the biggest mistake you have made?
      2. What contributed to you making that mistake?
      3. What have you learned following your mistake?
    2. Briefing – Constructing Support
    3. TPS - (Re)Introducing Crystal Pepsi – Analyze the Marketing Mix – Identify the components of the marketing mix in the ad.
    4. Textbook (p. 92-93) – Read and Take Notes
    5. “Building a better mousetrap” & “If it ain't broke, don’t fix it” 
    6. Information Search - What happened to Crystal Pepsi?
    7. Discussion
    8. Homework Open Ended – What would you have done differently? Explain why by constructing support.  Feel free to use your notes to help you.

    Friday, January 20, 2012

    Identifying and Analyzing the Marketing Mix

    EQ – What makes the marketing mix a foundational concept of marketing?
    1. Activator: Think Fast (As a Team)
      • What are the 4 elements of the marketing mix?
      • What is marketing?
      • How do the 4 P's fit into marketing?
    2.  Analyze the Marketing Mix for Omeletteville
    3. Additional Marketing Mix Notes
      1. *Lands End*
      2. Pitch A Perfect Game
    4. *One Last Look at the Marketing Mix*
    5. Partnership Activity
      1. Design Your Perfect Car
      2. Create a possible marketing mix for this car
      3. Explain how your marketing mix will attract customer and generate transactions.
    6. Quiz on the Marketing Mix

    Thursday, January 19, 2012

    Identifying and Analyzing the Marketing Mix

    EQ –How do the 4 P's of the marketing mix affect a transaction?

    *Please prepare yourself for class by  taking out your homework, note taking materials, and textbook.
    1. Quick Recap - Was your original opinion (the most important of the 4 P's) swayed during yesterday's 4 corners argument?  Why or why not?
    2. Q & A - The marketing mix
    3. Knowledge Check
    4. Activator: Identify the elements of the Marketing Mix as seen in this video
    5. Class Discussion
    6. Discussion Question: What happened that caused Domino's to change the way the company does business?
    7. OYO - 1/2 sheet:  What are your thoughts on Domino's plan (a good idea)? Why or why not?
    8. Defining Transaction
    9. Putting It All Together - Use lessons learned yesterday and today to answer the EQ.

    Wednesday, January 18, 2012

    The Marketing Mix

    EQ - How do the 4 P's of marketing mix to affect a transaction?

    *Please prepare yourself for class by  taking out your homework, note taking materials, and textbook.
    1. Knowledge Check
    2. Activator:  Day at the Beach - Juice Cart
    3. Homework Check - Identify similarities between the juice cart and your homework item
    4. Guided Practice - Transactions & Introduction of the 4 P's (Textbook p. 6-8)
    5. Jigsaw 4 P's (Note card groups)
    6.  4 Corners Argument
    7. College Refrigerator Story
    8. 2 to GO
      1. Answer the EQ
      2. Was your original opinion (the most important of the 4 P's) swayed during our 4 Corners Argument?  Why or why not?

    Tuesday, January 17, 2012

    Welcome to S & E Marketing

    EQ – What are 4 things I must bring with me to class each day?

    1. Introduction- Syllabus Review- Classroom Setting- Computer Usage Policy
    2. Activator – Personal Logo- Logo Image
    3. LWCC
    4. Crazy Mouse Commercial
    5. Activity: New twist on an old product
    6. Present to the class
    7. TOD – How does this activity demonstrate what you need to bring to class each day?
    **Homework - Ask a family member to tell you the last non-school related item he/she purchased and answer the following questions.  Homework Sheet
      1. What is the specific name of the item?
      2. What are some of the item's features?
      3. How much did the item cost?
      4. Where did he/she buy it?
      5. What made them purchase that specific item?

    Tuesday, January 3, 2012

    Legal Issues in Sports and Entertainment

    EQ - Why do athletes and entertainers place obscure clauses into their contracts?
    1. Activator: Which table can get their notes from yesterday out the fastest?
    2. New Group Table Review
      1. Info on chalkboards
    3. Product Licensing Examples
    4. Activator: 10 More Weird Clauses in Sports Contracts
    5. Elements of contracts
    6. Purpose of contracts
    7. Van Halen and Brown M&M's
    8. Why Brown M&M's
    9. Activity: Your Personal Contract Demands
           - What?
           - Why?

    Mini-Lesson Planning for Review

    Today, the Future Business Leaders of America club needs me to accompany them to their regional conference.  Fortunately for us, this aligns perfectly with the course outline.  Today we will begin our preparations for the final exam!

    1. Activator: Review your notes regarding intellectual property and legal issues in sports and entertainment
    2. Review your assigned topic and begin creating your mini-lesson plan
    Topic List & Group Members
    1.   Marketing Defined & Concept - Andrew, David, Justin
    2.  Marketing Mix - Jason, Dylan, Katie
    3.  Marketing Economics - Brent, Kurtis, Alicia
    4.  Ethics - Martin, Tyler, Darren
    5.  Market Segmentation - Alyssa, Caleb T., Sean
    6.  Risk -Jeremy, Chloe, Michael Hou.,
    7.  Strategies, Tactics, Mission Statement - Tommy, Michael Hie., Cody
    8.  Sponsorship & Endorsements - Michael B, Sarah, Brandon
    9.  Product Mix, Product Lines - Devon, Caleb P., Jimmy
      Your mini-lesson must include the following elements
      • An Essential Question
      • An activator that connects your classmates to the content being presented
      • Vocabulary Review
      • Topic Review
      • An activity to practice or apply the concepts
      • At least 1 handout (2 sided, front and back)
      • An assessment (quiz, knowledge check, TOD, etc.) that you will grade and return to your classmates

      Monday, January 2, 2012

      Intellectual Property

      EQ – How do laws impact sports and entertainment marketing?
      1. Activator: Design a personal logo or catch phrase 
      2. That’s Hot
      3. The Issue

      4.  Introduction to Intellectual Property
      5.  Read p. 334-336 and complete the advanced organizer
      6.  Muddy Points
      7.  TOD -