Thursday, October 31, 2013

Strategy and Tactics

EQ - How are marketing tactics created?
  1. Activator - Muddy Points Review
  2. Tournament of Core Functions
  3. Quiz 
    1. List the Core Functions
    2. Define Each
    3. Identify evidence from the BK case study indicate the company includes each of the core functions when developing marketing strategy
  4. Evaluating marketing strategy
    1. Choose a company
    2. Identify its Mission Statement
    3. Identify tactics used to market the company's product(s)
    4. Identify the marketing strategy employed by the company
  5. Share with the class
  6. Create a new tactic to connect this company to its customers

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Core Functions of Marketing

EQ - What are the 7 core functions of marketing?
  1. Activator - Perhaps we had better start from the beginning
  2. Reviewing Marketing basics - PPT
    1. Marketing
    2. Transactions
    3. Intermission
      1. Define Marketing
      2. Develop a transaction for a good
      3. Develop a transaction for a service
      4. What is the importance of makreting
  3. The 7 Core Functions of Marketing
  4. The Marketing Concept
  5. Debriefing
  6. TOD - Muddy Points

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Marketing Strategy

EQ – How do companies effectively use marketing strategy?
  1. Guidelines for today's class
    1. Today's Meet
  2. Marketing Strategy Class Guide
  3. What is Marketing Strategy? Define
  4. MCD’s Strategy
  5. Marketing Tactics? Define
  6. MCD’s Tactics 
  7. Switching to the Competition - BK Case Study
    1. Actively read
    2. Identify the purpose behind the marketing campaign
  8. Assignment 
    1. Create a SWOT analysis for Burger King PRIOR to the development of this marketing plan
    2. What is BK's Mission Statement?
    3. List the marketing tactics seen in this case study?
    4. Brainstorm the strategic objectives of this marketing plan.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Inside Nike

EQ - How does a company develop marketing strategies and tactics?
  1. Activator - MJ over the years
  2. Nike Mission Statement
  3. Advanced Organizer
  4. Jordan - The Endorser's perspective
  5. Phil Knight - CEO's perspective
  6. Tiger Woods Commercial - The impact of an endorser on sales
  7. Intro - Strategies and Tactics
  8. Collaborative Pairs
    1. What marketing strategy used by Nike was illustrated in our video clips?
    2. What tactics were used to reach strategic goals?
    3. Explain the connections between the strategies and tactics and the corporate mission statement.
  9. Muddy Points 
    1. Strategy & Tactics

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


EQ - How does a marketing team evaluate a potential endorsement candidate?
  1. Activator
  2. Knowledge Check - Sponsorships vs. Endorsements (TPS)
  3. Got Milk Assignment
  4. TOD - Muddy Points
Got Milk Assignment
  • Find an image of a Got Milk ad (appropriate for school)
  • Identify the company responsible for the advertisement
  • Identify the reasons this company chose to use an endorser for Milk
  • How did the company view the celebrity prior to signing them on as an endorser? (at least 3)
  • What do we know about this ad? (Legally)
  • What are 2 disadvantages of using this person for this ad? (FACTS)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


EQ – How are endorsements different from sponsorships?
  1. Activator: Peyton Manning
  2. Preview - Advanced Organizer: 11-2 Sponsorship and Endorsements
    1. Foldable
    2. Textbook (p. 290-292)
  3. Discussion Question - Based on the reading, what do we know about the Mastercard Ad?
  4. Intro to Endorsements
  5. Collaborative Pairs - Discovery Reading
    1. Discovery Questionnaire
      1. Defining endorsements
      1. Pros & Cons of endorsements
  6. Discussion Question - How do endorsements impact you and your buying behaviors?
  7. Discussion Question - Do current cultural trends impact the way products and services are endorsed?  Explain your thoughts.
  8. Debriefing
    1. What are your thoughts regarding celebrity endorsements?
      1. Positive?
      2. Negative?
    2. What are some concerns you may have regarding endorsements?
  9. Discussion Question - Caveat emptor means "Let the buyer beware."  Use your understanding of endorsements to explain the importance of this Latin phrase.
  10. TOD - Answer the EQ

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Remember the other day when we discussed the idea of sponsorship in schools? 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Sports Camp

EQ - What makes a promotional brochure effective? For the target audience?  For sponsors?
  1. Activator - Team Knowledge Check
    1. Define: Sponsorship
    2. 5 reasons why a company might sponsor an event/organization
    3. Why sponsorship works
    4. Define: Gross Impressions
    5. Define: Return on Investment
    6. How does a sponsorship search incorporate the market segmentation process?
  2.  5 minute project review (Your corporate sponsor)
    1. Review your work
    2. Prepare a 30 second presentation to explain your sponsorship agreement
      1. Your location
      2. Your Corporation
      3. What they want
      4. How you help them get what they want
      5. What you are asking in return
  3. 30 second presentations
  4. Project Introduction
  5. Fantasy Team Standings
  6. Select the MVP of your team to host the camp
  7. Create a three fold brochure (both sides)
         - Includes camp events – Click Here for a sample
         - Lists 4 local sponsors (from your city) who donated goods to campers (Under Armor has donated a sports bag to hold these items)
         – Shows images of the MVP
         – Shows creativity and quality use of technology
  8. Update your sponsorship proposal letter to send to one of the local businesses

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sponsorship Request

EQ - How can an individual/organization create a sponsorship letter?

DIRECTIONS:  Please read the following article AND take notes. 

**A key to success is "Begin with the end in mind."  Remember we are trying to establish positive, long-term relationships with local businesses.  They are giving us a lot...what can we do for them that will form the foundation for such business partnerships?**

Corporate sponsors and event funding: Ask early, not often

If you’re hoping to get sponsorship funds for your event, it’s better to ask early than to ask often. And even better to ask professionally…
For larger companies (i.e., the ones that actually do have a fair amount of cash for sponsorships) it is vitally important to ask early about sponsorships. Especially for events that are not yet established. Annual events like LinuxTag fall more easily into budget planning because you can establish a baseline for funding those events and plan year to year whether it’s worth attending and how much it actually costs. In addition to sponsorship, companies have to factor in travel, shipping, materials, etc. — the costs of participating in a conference are not limited to the funds that are put in for sponsorship.
Note that this applies to larger companies that have strict planning and budget cycles. If you’re looking for $500 from a medium or small-sized company, then they usually have flexibility and can spare that kind of cash. If you’re in the thousands and/or approaching a larger company, then these things apply. Even $500 can put you over budget at a large company when you’re approaching the end of a quarter and didn’t budget for something.
When approaching a company for sponsorships, you want to do several things to increase your chance of success:
  • Ask very early — As soon as you have an idea what funds you’re going to need, work a plan for sponsorship levels and start approaching the “big guys” that will have cornerstone and major sponsorships very early so they can work this into their annual planning (if they feel it’s important) and have the funds to cover your event.
  • Ask the right person — this is tricky, but it helps very much to approach the person who is going to decide, rather than randomly approaching anyone from company X. If you’re very lucky, if you don’t find the right person they’ll pass you on to the right person. Odds are, if you email the wrong person inside an organization the mail will simply go from inbox to trash.
  • Be specific — if you approach a company with vague requests, it’s less likely that you’re going to get what you want or need. Be specific about sponsorship levels, what they cost, and what the sponsor is going to receive for the money.
  • Have value — what does the event offer the sponsor, aside from a very vague sense of goodwill? What’s the return on sponsoring an event? You need to be able to answer that question — and you need to answer it very well if you’re asking for thousands of dollars.
  • Be realistic — small events should carry small price tags, don’t expect a company to pony up thousands of dollars for a one-day event that will attract less than 300 people at the outside. (I’m talking about community events — events with a highly desirable audience might be worth more money, so if your guest list includes President Obama and 50 U.S. governors, well, you could probably set a much higher fee…)
  • Be flexible — when times are tight, so are budgets. Don’t expect the rate card to remain unchanged from 2008 to 2009 and so on. If an event has a $500 sponsorship, then it’s probably not worth haggling over. When you’re talking tens of thousands of dollars (or Euros), then it may be necessary to budge a bit when times are tight.
Finally, realize that as important as your cause or event is, it’s one of many. No matter how deep the well, it will run dry eventually, and you might be the one holding the empty bucket. It may not be an indication that your event isn’t considered important, it may just be lack of budget or poor timing. You can at least remedy the poor timing by asking early.

Your team’s owner has been impressed with your high quality work over the past few weeks and is asking you to tackle another task to strengthen the relationship between the team and the local community.

The team wants to capture an audience compiled of boys ages 12-18.  The overall goal is to increase the boys’ interest in the team.  To achieve this goal, your team wants to host a camp for this demographic.  Your assignment is to organize the football camp and attract the target market AND establish positive relationships with local businesses.

Once you have finished these 2 steps, please select one of your football camp's corporate sponsors and compose a sponsorship request letter.  Your letter must include each element suggested in your reading.

The following tasks are required.

  1. Select the MVP of your team to host the camp
  2. Create a three fold brochure (both sides)
         - Includes camp events – Click Here for a sample
         - Lists local sponsors (from your city) who donated goods to campers (Under Armor has donated a sports bag to hold these items)
         – Shows images of the MVP
         – Shows creativity and quality use of technology
  3. Update your sponsorship proposal letter to send to one of the local businesses

Monday, October 7, 2013

Evaluating Sponsorship Opportunities

EQ - How can I evaluate potential sponsorship partners?
  1. Activator - Hot Seat Questionnaire
  2. Quiz
  3. Quiz Review
  4. Intro to Sponsorship Assignment (PPT from previous class)
  5. Project Work Time
  6. 30 Second Presentations
  7. Reflection
    1. What went well?
    2. What could be improved
 EQ - How do organizations/individuals obtain sponsorship?
  1. Activator - Discussion Question - How might you convince a business to sponsor you?
  2.  Los Angeles Schools
    1. Active Reading Review
    2. Actively Read the article
    3. Jot notes, key ideas, and unknown vocabulary
  3. Discussion Questions
    1. What event(s) created the need for these schools to seek sponsorship?
    2. What are your thoughts regarding this school issue?
    3. How did the school obtain sponsorship funding?
  4. Project Component - Assessing your potential sponsors
    1. Create a list of negotiable terms your sponsors may want in exchange for their money or product donations.
    2. Identify what your NFL team may be able to provide on a consistent basis.
    3. Identify potential roadblocks that may form throughout the negotiation process.
  5. Reflection
    1. What is the easiest component of the sponsorship process so far?
    2. What is the most challenging component of the process?

Friday, October 4, 2013


Final NFL Presentations
  1. TPS - What elements of a sales pitch would most likely influence your decision? Explain.
  2. Pick a Winner
    1. Who won?
    2. Why?
EQ - How are sponsorships acquired?
  1. Activator: Little League Story
  2. Sponsorship PPT - CLICK HERE
  3. Introduction to Sponsorship Letters
  4. Sponsorship Letter composition
    1. Research local businesses surrounding your stadium location
    2. Determine the offering
    3. Composition
  5. TOD - How do you think sponsorships impact a company's marketing efforts?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Presenting The Newest Franchise

EQ - How do I effectively deliver a sales pitch?
  1. Activator - Pick a Card, Any Card
  2. Rubric Key Points Review
  3. Order of Presentations
  4. TodaysMeet - Directions
  5. Presentations