Friday, January 30, 2015

Unit 1 Assessment

EQ - How do we find a viable target market?
  1. Activator: Mistakes
    1. What is the biggest mistake you have made?
    2. What contributed to you making that mistake?
    3. What have you learned following your mistake?
  2. Briefing – Constructing Support
  3. Unit Assessment – Why did Crystal Pepsi Fail
    1. (Re)Introducing Crystal Pepsi – What went wrong?
    2. Resources
      1. Textbook (p. 92-93) – Read and Take Notes
      2. Handout – The history of Crystal Pepsi
      3. Super Bowl commercial
      4. Your understanding of Unit 1 concepts
    3. To earn full credit for this assessment, you must construct support and provide citations for the resources you have used.
  4. Assessment Pt. 2 - Open Ended – What would you have done differently? Explain why by constructing support.  

Monday, January 26, 2015

Marketing Segmentation - The Next Step

EQ - How does one find a viable target market?

Day 1
  1. Activator - TPS Splashdown
  2. Quiz
  3. 4 Assumptions of  Market Segmentation
  4. Try It - Mount Joy Winter Fest
    1. Use the M.O.M.S. to identify 3 potential customer market segments
  5. Developing a Customer Persona
    1. What is a customer persona?
    2. Why is developing a customer persona important?
    3. How is a customer persona developed?
    4. Example
  6. TOD - Muddy Points
Day 2
  1. Activator - TPS Splashdown - 4 reasons why the M.O.M.S. help us identify a target market
  2. OYO Try It - Winter Fest
  3. Discussion Questionnaire - Who is the best market segment to target at Winter Fest?  How do you know?
  4. Meaningful Market Test
  5. Collaborative Pairs Identify potential market segments for the products shown
    1. Choose a customer segment you believe to be the best
    2. Develop a customer persona for that segment
    3. Use the meaningful market test to determine if you chose wisely
  6. Opportunity Cost
  7. The 80/20 Principle
  8. Collaborative Pairs - Assignment
  9. TOD - What does this mean for any business's marketing department? 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Methods of Market Segmentation

EQ - How does one find a viable target market?
  1. Activator – Revisiting yesterday’s TOD: What problems do you see in this method of evaluating individuals?
  2. Introduction to Marketing (Frayer)
    1. AP - What is the purpose of business?
    2. AP – What is a market?
    3. AP – What is marketing?
    4. AP – What does marketing do to help a business achieve its goals?
  3. Introduction to Methods of Segmentation (Frayer)
    1. Demographics
    2. Geographics
    3. Psychographics
    4. Behavioral
  4. AP – TPS – List and describe the 4 methods of market segmentation (whiteboards)
  5. AP – TPS – Explain why the 4 MOMS matter (whiteboards)
  6. Together - Try it Again *PPT (whiteboards)
    1. Demographics
    2. Geo
    3. Psycho
    4. Behavior
  7. With a Partner – Choose a sports or entertainment company (not Nike) and identify the core customer base using the methods of segmentation (whiteboards)
  8. Class Share
  9. AP - Muddy Points Grab Bag

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Welcome to Sports and Entertainment Marketing

EQ - How is developing an understanding of a customer persona important to marketing?
  1. Intro to Mr. Hill
  2. Student Quotes
  3. Project Descriptions
  4. Syllabus Review
  5. AP - TPS Splashdown– What are you most looking forward to about S & E Marketing
  6. Student Personal SWOT
  7. Intermission – Get to know a classmate
  8. LeBron James & Jay-Z evaluation
    1. Describe these individuals
    2. Look closer
  9. Class Discussion - What’s The Point (Connection to Marketing)
  10. TOD – What problems do you see in this method of evaluating individuals?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Prepping for the Final Exam

EQ - How has my learning of marketing improved over the semester?
  1. Activator - Show & Tell
  2. Introduction to Review Project
  3. Assignment of Duties
  4. Review your assigned topic and begin creating your mini-lesson plan
Topic List
1.  Marketing Defined & Concept
2.  Marketing Mix & Product Positioning
3.  PEST & SWOT Analysis
5.  Buyer Behavior & Market Segmentation
6.  Sales Pitch
7.  Economic Utility & The PLC
8.  Sponsorship, Endorsements, Crowdfunding
9.  Marketing Plan

Your mini-lesson must include the following elements
  • An Essential Question
  • An activator that connects your classmates to the content being presented
  • Vocabulary Review
  • Topic Review
  • An activity to practice or apply the concepts
  • At least 1 handout
  • An assessment (quiz, knowledge check, TOD, etc.) that you will grade and return to your classmates