Monday, September 29, 2014

Helpful Pitch Article

This may help you identify the needs/wants of your target audience.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Introduction to Sales

EQ - How do I develop a successful sales pitch?

  1. Activator - Sell me this pen
    1. Student volunteers try to sell Mr. Hill a pen
    2. Peer Evaluation - What was effective?  What wasn't?
  2. Introduction to Sales
    1. Importance of Sales within the economy
    2. Marketing Jobs/Sales Connection
  3. Reading Apprenticeship - How to Sell in 60 Seconds (Tony Parinello)
    1. Actively Read
    2. Talk to the text
    3. Group Review
    4. Teacher Prompt - How can you use this to improve the earlier sales pitches?
  4. Craft a sales strategy to sell Mr. Hill the pen.
  5. Re-try
  6. Evaluation
  7. Apply today's learning to your Unit Assessment
    1. You MUST sell your concept to NFL team owners
    2. Develop a sales pitch to sell your team
    3. Pitches begin next week

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Unit Assessment

EQ - How do I develop an equitable brand?
  1. Activator - Splashdown: Marketing Concepts learned throughout our current semester
  2. Introduction to Assessment Project - Welcome to the NFL
  3. Part 1 - Target Market Analysis - Use your understanding of Buyer Behavior and Market Segmentation to complete the following tasks:
    1. Identify 2 U.S. cities in which no NFL team currently exists (Not Los Angeles)
    2. Evaluate the market by completing a full analysis of the potential market (remember the methods of market segmentation)
    3. Analyze the inhabitants of EACH city, its current infrastructure, the needs and wants of the market, etc.)
    4. Compare and contrast the results of your research and justify your decision identifying the most meaningful target market. (Include a SWOT analysis with analysis)
    5. Summarize this process in writing (MS Word/Google Drive)
  4. Activator – TPS – What makes a great location for a pro stadium?
  5. Part 2 - Location Analysis (Transportation Systems, Local Businesses,No flood zone,Etc.)
    1. Introduction to Google Maps - Use Google Maps to show the location of the stadium within your chosen city
    2. Introduction to Screen Shots – Create a detailed image to indicate the proposed location for a new NFL stadium
  6. Activator – NFL Team Name Puzzle
  7. Part 3 - Brand Development
    1. What’s in a name?
    2. Use your market analysis to develop a Brand for your new franchise (based on the history, heritage, or cultural identity of the city's inhabitants)
    3. Using a uniform design generator create a uniform for your franchise - Choose colors that match this area for your uniform
  8. Activator – Sell this pen
  9. Part 4 - Introduction to Sales
    1. Characteristics of an effective presentation
    2. 10 Principles for the Best Sales Pitch Ever (Reading Apprenticeship)
    3. Overview of Prezi
    4. Prepare a Prezi as a Sales Pitch to announce the newest franchise and garner support of other league owners.
  10. Part 5 - Presentations

Monday, September 15, 2014

Creating an Effective Brand

EQ - How do I create an effective brand?

  1. Activator: LINK (Reading Apprenticeship)
  2. Active Reading - The Basics of Branding (Reading Apprenticeship)
1.      Write questions you have
2.      Unknown words
3.      Key ideas
4.      Summarize after each section
5.      Jot notes in the margins
3.      AP – Know – Compile a list of items you have learned (answers to your inquiries, new ideas, new concepts)
4.      AP - Debriefing (new questions, uncertainties, identifying the most important components, what is branding, why is branding important)
5.      Activator – Visualization: Real “Mind Mapping” (Brand recognition)
6.      Discussion Questions
    1. Should you consider developing a brand for yourself? Explain.
    2. Do you currently have any personal branding? Explain
7.      Self-Discovery Project - Your Personal Brand (independent self-analysis/may branch out moving forward)
1.      How do you view yourself?
2.      How do others view you?
3.      Are these views congruent?  Why or why not?
4.      How do you want to be viewed?
  1. AP - Prepare to develop a personal brand
    1. In what channels (Place) do you currently have personal branding?
    2. Analyze your current branding using SWOT Analysis.
    3. Consider your various customer segments.
    4. Identify what matters most to these customer segments.
    5. Identify your current Marketing Mix.
  2.  AP - Development
    1. Use the handout to generate ideas for your brand.
Show us what you can do.  Do it!

Friday, September 12, 2014


EQ - How can a well-developed brand influence buyers?
  1. Activator: Logo Quiz website -
    1. How did you know all of these?
    2. What story do these logos tell?
  2. Active Reading - The Basics of Branding (Reading Apprenticeship)
1.      Write questions you have
2.      Unknown words
3.      Key ideas
4.      Summarize after each section
5.      Jot notes in the margins
3.      AP - Comprehension Questionnaire
4.      Discussion Questions
    1. Should you consider developing a brand for yourself? Explain.
    2. Do you currently have any personal branding? Explain
5.      Project - Your Personal Brand
1.      How do you view yourself?
2.      How do others view you?
3.      Are these views congruent?  Why or why not?
4.      How do you want to be viewed?
  1. Prepare to develop a personal brand
    1. In what channels (Place) do you currently have personal branding?
    2. Analyze your current branding using SWOT Analysis.
    3. Consider your various customer segments.
    4. Identify what matters most to these customer segments.
    5. Identify your current Marketing Mix.
  2.  Development
    1. Use the handout to generate ideas for your brand.
Show us what you can do.  Do it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Marketing Mix Decisions

EQ - How does the marketing mix influence business decisions?
  1. Activator: Think Fast (As a Team)
    1. What are the 4 elements of the marketing mix?
    2. What is marketing?
    3. How do the 4 P's fit into marketing?
  2. AP – TPS - Analyze the Marketing Mix for Omeletteville
  3. Debriefing
  4. Burger King Case Study (Reading Apprenticeship)
    1. Using only the case study handout, infer what BK's SWOT analysis may have looked like.
    2. People First - What did BK determine the customers wanted? (beyond better fries)
    3. Satisfying the Marketing Concept - List the various marketing strategies used in this case study AND explain how these efforts were used to satisfy customer needs and wants.
    4. Categorize this list into the 4 Ps
  5. TPS Discussion Questions – Citing Evidence
    1. What made BK's marketing plan so effective?
    2. How do you know?
      1. Evidence from the text
  6. TOD
    1. Side 1 - How did the marketing mix influence BK’s business decisions?
    2. Side 2 – Muddy Points

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Marketing Mix

EQ - How can fundamental marketing strategy influence a target market
  1. Activator
    • TPS Splashdown:  Word Association – What do you think of when you hear the word strategy?
  2. Discussion Question - Are there opportunities to use strategy in marketing now that we know who our potential customers are?
  3. Lecture w/ Frayer Foldable - Introduction to Marketing Strategy (The Marketing Mix)
    • Product
    • Price
    • Place
    • Promotion
  4. AP – How can we use these strategies to connect with our potential customers?
  5. Jigsaw 4 P's (Note card groups)
    • Orange - Product
    • Green – Price
    • Pink – Place
    • Yellow - Promotion
  6. AP - 4 Corners Argument – Why is your element of the marketing mix the most important? (Extended Thinking - Constructing Support)
  7. Intermission - Muddy Points
  8. Activator - College Refrigerator Story
  9. Group Activity - Day at the Beach – Mini Golf
    • AP - Identify a customer persona of a beach goer
    • AP - Identify a marketing mix for this opportunity
  10. Group Presentation – Share the results of the groups work
    • Audience – Utilize an organizer to jot notes
    • AP - Audience – How well did they define their customer segment?
    • AP - Audience – How accurately have they depicted the Marketing Mix?
  11. Class Discussion - How did your marketing mix influence your target market?
  12. TOD
    • AP - How did identifying the customer persona help you evaluate the opportunity to satisfy a mini golfer?
    • AP – How can fundamental marketing strategy influence a target market?

Thursday, September 4, 2014


EQ - How is a customer persona crafted?
  1. Activator: Mistakes
    1. What is the biggest mistake you have made?
    2. What contributed to you making that mistake?
    3. What have you learned following your mistake?
  2. Briefing – Constructing Support
  3. Unit Assessment – Why did Crystal Pepsi Fail
    1. (Re)Introducing Crystal Pepsi – What went wrong?
    2. Resources
      1. Textbook (p. 92-93) – Read and Take Notes
      2. Handout – The history of Crystal Pepsi
      3. Super Bowl commercial
      4. Your understanding of Unit 1 concepts
    3. To earn full credit for this assessment, you must construct support and provide citations for the resources you have used.
  4. Assessment Pt. 2 - Open Ended – What would you have done differently? Explain why by constructing support.  

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Your Visual Display of Your Learning

Feel free to use your group's visual display to help you complete the take-home quiz.  Your quiz will be collected at the beginning of the class period.  The YouTube clip can be found by scrolling down on the class website.  Good luck!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Developing a Customer Persona

EQ - How is a customer persona crafted?

  1. Activator - TPS: Identify the potential target market using the methods of market segmentation
  2. AP - Table Talk - What is a customer persona?
  3. Review Attempt 1 - Lay's Potato Chips (Last Class)
  4. Introduction to Customer Persona Template -> HERE
  5. Table Project - Using the Template - Lay's
  6. AP - How close were you?
  7. Table Talk - Try it again ->Use the Apple commercial shown below
  8. TOD - What areas of Customer Persona development are the most clear?  The most unclear?