Monday, September 28, 2015

Price Considerations of the PLC

EQ - What pricing considerations must be considered at different stages of the product life cycle?

Day 1
  1. Activator – How would you find the perfect price for a product?
  2. Use your understanding of the PLC to complete the following:
    1. In groups of 2, identify a famous product (different from any other group’s choice) and where it is in the product life cycle.
    2. Research the current price and what factors are influencing the product’s current price.
    3. Compose a blog post to reporting your findings.
Day 2
  1. Activator – Reply thoughtfully to at least one other group’s post (more than I agree)
  2. Lecture – Price determination
    1. Price, cost, profit, markup, markdown, break-even
  3. Collaborative Pairs - Content Exploration
  4. Practice problem
  5. AP – How are prices determined?
  6. Pricing Calculations Assignment
Day 3
  1. Activator – Ethical Dilemmas
  2. Write a personal blog post – Prompt: How should you price your product if it is a life-saving drug?
  3. Distribute Rubric
  4. Respond thoughtfully to at least 2 peer’s postings (more than I agree/I disagee)
Assessment – Compose a complete summary that answers the EQ.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

PLC Analysis

EQ - How can understanding the various stages of the Product Life Cycle assist the development of marketing strategy?
  1. Activator - Watch the ad and determine what is going on.

  2. Be A Detective - Determine an answer the essential question by examining the resources provided.
    1. Handout
    2. Link 1 - Product Life Cycle
    3. Link 2 - Marketing Mix
    4. **Post Questions to Today's Meet** Click for Direct Link
  3. Open Google Drive
  4. Use today's findings to analyze the marketing strategy used in the advertisement
    1. Identify the elements of the Marketing Mix shown in this ad
    2. Determine the PLC stage for the Nokia Lumia at the time of this ad based on the Marketing Mix you developed for question 1.
    3. Determine the PLC stage of the Apple product as presented in the ad.
    4. Brainstorm how Apple may respond
    5. Determine the PLC stage of the Samsung product as presented in the ad.
    6. Brainstorm how Samsung may respond.
  5. TOD - Muddy Points

Monday, September 21, 2015

Trends and the Product Life Cycle

EQ - How does the Product Life Cycle impact marketing teams?
  1. Activator -  Check out these CrazyFads
    1. Review each decade's fads
    2. Choose 1 fad from each decade and describe its impact in American culture
    3. Research the fad to better your understanding of it.
      1. Basic History
      2. How it caught on
      3. When it ended
      4. What caused it to end
    4. Write a 1 page summary of your findings.
  2. Projected trends for 2015
  3. Choose 1 of the 20 Forecasted Trends of 2015
    1. Explore it in a way that you could lead a conversation about the topic
      1. How did the trend begin?
      2. How are companies using the trend in real life?  Be specific and give detailed examples
      3. What are your personal thoughts regarding this trend?  Be specific and detailed when describing your thoughts?
    2. Develop a visual aid to share this trend with the world.
      1. Create a blog post that includes your answers from the previous assignment.
      2. Incorporate images, videos, links to further engage your audience.
      3. Save your work to your Google Drive
  4. TOD - 1/2 sheet response
    1. What patterns have you noticed that exist for most trendy products/ideas?
    2. Predict what this means for a marketing team. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Creating a Marketing Mix

EQ - How do I create an effective marketing mix?
  1. Activator – Using the Marketing Mix
    1. What would your TV commercial look like?
    2. Sound like?
    3. What message would you focus on?
    4. How did you make these choices?
  2. AP - Collaborative Pairs Ad Review
    1. Identify the Target Market
    2. Explain the Customer Persona used to develop the ad
    3. Identify the elements of the marketing mix in the ad
    4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the ad at making a connection with the target market
  3. HOTS - Compare and Contrast
    1. What similarities exist between the two TV commercials?
    2. What differences exist between the two TV commercials?
    3. Explain why the similarities and differences exist.
  4. Muddy Points Grab Bag
  5. AP - CP - Day at the Beach – Mini Golf
    1. AP – Identify a target market
    2. AP – Develop a customer persona for your target market
    3. Serve as a Consultant for a boardwalk business
      1. AP - Develop a marketing mix for this business to connect with the target market
    4. Create a marketing tactic to connect to your target market
  6. Group Presentations – Share the results of the groups work
    1. Audience – Utilize an organizer to jot notes
    2. AP - Audience – How well did they define their customer segment?
    3. AP - Audience – How accurately have they depicted the Marketing Mix?
    4. AP – Do you think the marketing would be effective? Why or why not?
  7. TOD
    1. AP - How did identifying the customer persona help you evaluate the opportunity to satisfy a mini golfer?
    2. AP – How can fundamental marketing strategy influence a target market?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Evaluating the Marketing Mix

EQ - How can a fundamental marketing strategy impact a target market?
  1. Activator – Omeletteville
  2. TPS - Identify elements of the video that depict the marketing mix
  3. Class Discussion
  4. AP – What would you do differently to enhance the effectiveness of the marking mix?  Explain.
  5. TOD – Muddy Points
  6. Day 3
  7. Activator – Muddy Points Review
  8. AP - Collaborative Pairs Magazine Review
  9. Identify the Target Market
  10. Explain the Customer Persona used to develop the ad
  11. Identify the elements of the marketing mix in the ad
  12. Evaluate the effectiveness of the ad at making a connection with the target market
  13. Show & Tell
  14. Muddy Points Grab Bag

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Marketing Mix Part 2

EQ - How can a fundamental marketing strategy impact a target market?
  1. Activator - Muddy Points Review
  2. Quiz - Elements of the marketing mix
  3. AP - 4 Corners Argument – Why is your element of the marketing mix the most important? (Extended Thinking - Constructing Support)
  4. Intermission - Muddy Points
  5. College Refrigerator Story
  6. AP – Omeletteville
    1. TPS - Identify elements of the video that depict the marketing mix
    2. Class Discussion
  7. AP – What would you do differently to enhance the effectiveness of the marking mix?  Explain.
  8. TOD - Muddy Points

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Marketing Mix

EQ - How do I explain the fundamental marketing strategies?

  1. Activator - TPS Splashdown:  Word Association – What do you think of when you hear the word strategy?
  2. Discussion Question - Are there opportunities to use strategy in marketing now that we know who our potential customers are?
  3. Lecture w/ Frayer Foldable - Introduction to Marketing Strategy (The Marketing Mix)
    1. Product
    2. Price
    3. Pace
    4. Promotion
  4. AP – How can we use these strategies to connect with our potential customers?
  5. TPS - Jigsaw 4 P's 
    1. 1's - Product
    2. 2's – Price
    3. 3's – Place
    4. 4's – Promotion
  6. Muddy Points
  7. AP - 4 Corners Argument – Why is your element of the marketing mix the most important? (Extended Thinking - Constructing Support)
  8. Intermission - Muddy Points

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Unit 1 Assessment

EQ - How do we find a viable target market?
  1. Activator - (CP) Visually describe our process of finding and understanding our target market.
  2. Written Composition - Prove It
    1. Construct support to justify that your Customer Persona represents the ideal target market.
    2. Identify issues that may arise from targeting this particular group.
  3. Debriefing - Class Discussion
    1. How did you justify your response
    2. How accurate do you believe you are?  Explain.
    3. What might you have overlooked?
    4. What impact could this have on your marketing efforts?
Unit Assessment - Crystal Pepsi Case Study
  1. Activator: Mistakes
    1. What is the biggest mistake you have made?
    2. What contributed to you making that mistake?
    3. What have you learned following your mistake?
  2. Briefing – Constructing Support
  3. Unit Assessment – Why did Crystal Pepsi Fail
    1. (Re)Introducing Crystal Pepsi – What went wrong?
    2. Resources
      1. Textbook (p. 92-93) – Read and Take Notes
      2. Handout – The history of Crystal Pepsi
      3. Super Bowl commercial
      4. Your understanding of Unit 1 concepts
    3. To earn full credit for this assessment, you must construct support and provide citations for the resources you have used.
  4. Assessment Pt. 2 - Open Ended – What would you have done differently? Explain why by constructing support.  

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Market Segmentation Project

EQ - How do we find a viable target market?
  1. Activator - Individually
    1. Identify the target market for a skier (Use the methods of market segmentation).
    2. Develop a Customer Persona for the average skier.
  2. Market Focus - Hitting the Slopes (Linda Formichelli)
    1. Intro to RA (talk to the text, highlight)
    2. Article Distribution
  3. Compare & Contrast
    1. What similarities exist between your target market analysis and Formichelli's?
    2. What else you you have included in your target market analysis?
    3. How will your customer persona change based on your comprehension of this article?
  4. Prove it
    1. Reevaluate your use of the methods of market segmentation.
    2. Redefine your customer persona.
  5. Try it - OYO
    1. Project Description
    2. Magazine distribution
    3. Work Time
  6. TOD - Written Composition

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Developing a Customer Persona

EQ - How is a customer persona developed?
  1. Activator - TPS: Describe your best friend
  2. AP - Table Talk - What is a customer persona?
  3. Attempt 1 - Lay's Potato Chips (Last Class)
  4. Introduction to Customer Persona Template -> HERE
  5. Table Project - Using the Template - Lay's
  6. AP - How close were you?
  7. Table Talk - Try it again ->Use the Apple commercial shown below
  8. TOD - What areas of Customer Persona development are the most clear?  The most unclear?