Wednesday, September 25, 2013


EQ - Why is branding important?
  1. Activator - Connect the dots
    1. How does the NFL project demonstrate how marketers use the market segmentation process?
    2. We know that a meaningful market must have buying power, a willingness to buy, and the authority to buy.  Does your target market serve as a meaningful market?  How do you know?
  2. Famous Logo Quiz
  3. Active Reading - The Basics of Branding
    1. Write questions you have
    2. Unknown words
    3. Key ideas
    4. Summarize after each section
    5. Jot notes in the margins
  4. Comprehension Questionnaire
  5. Perception vs. Reality
  6. Project Connection
    1. Team Name
    2. Color Scheme
  7. Project Work Time

Monday, September 23, 2013

Uniform Design

Excellent job!!!  The commissioner has approved your city as the site for the next NFL team.  He was thoroughly impressed with your reasoning and your efforts to show the proposed location of the stadium.  

As you know, every team must have a unique uniform.  Because of your success in impressing the league, you have been chosen to design your team’s uniform and apparel. 

Let your creativity run wild and design your team’s uniform.  Think about color schemes and how these decisions might affect buyer behavior.  Remember, sports teams make a lot of revenue from sales of team apparel, therefore, it must appeal to the fans.

The following website will help you complete your task.  CLICK HERE

Lastly, write a paragraph to explain each decision made in your design

Location Analysis

Congratulations on analyzing 2 potential markets for your NFL team.  The League Office heard reports that you have made a decision on which city has won the bid for the new team.  The commissioner would like to see the proposed location within the city.

Your city is so excited that they have won the bid, that they have given you exclusive rights to build a new stadium anywhere in the city (as long as it is not a historical site, a graveyard, or flood prone area).

Please use Google Maps to identify the location for construction.  You will need to include the following:
  1. One location with 3 levels of zoom (See Lancaster example)
    1. Level 1 - Shows major highways with Rt. numbers (i.e. Rt. 80)
    2. Level 2 - Shows this same location zoomed in to show local roads
    3. Level 3 - Shows the actual construction sight 
  2. Level 1 & 2 must include a visible ring to identify the specific location
  3. Edit/Crop each image in Paint
    1. Find your location in Google Maps
    2. Press Fn and Prt Sc on your keyboard
    3. Open Paint
    4. Paste
    5. Edit and Crop accordingly
      1. Use the "Select" tool to choose your image
      2. Ctrl + X will cut the image from Paint
      3. Ctrl + A to select everything that remains
      4. Press Delete
      5. Ctrl + V will paste your location back into Paint
      6. Resize the Paint canvass 
      7. Save your image as Location 1
      8. Repeat for Locations 2, and 3
    6. Insert the images into PPT when ready
  4. Begin Uniform Design when finished
    1. Design the color scheme
    2. Use the Paint procedures to create an image of your uniform

Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 3

You did an excellent job on your first two days on the job.  Today your task involves making a final decision.  Complete your city research and determine the best location for your new team.

You must compose an informative paper to explain and justify your decision.  Be sure to include the elements from our current unit of study (on the board).

This paper is required to be AT LEAST one full page.  Save this paper assignment as NFL City Selection in your student folder.

Paragraph 1 - Introduces your research and provides the benchmark information used to make your decision (details of the average NFL fan and the average NFL city).

Paragraph 2 – Describes City “A” in great detail.  Explain what makes this city a viable location for your NFL Team.

Paragraph 3 -Describes City “B” in great detail.  Explain what makes this city a viable location for your NFL Team.

Paragraph 4 – Announces your city selection AND provides justification of your decision.  Explain all of the deciding factors that led you to your decision.

After you finish your analysis

  1. Find a specific location within your city to build your team's stadium. 
  2. Use Google Maps to provide photo evidence of this location.
  3. Use 3 levels of zoom for this photo
    1. Zoom 1 - Shows the entire metropolitan area and surrounding locations.  This also includes a circled area denoting the stadium location.
    2. Zoom 2 - Zooms in on the circled area and shows major roads near the stadium.  There is a circled area to show the specific site.
    3. Zoom 3 - Shows only the stadium location. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Welcome to the NFL!

You have been approached by the National Football League (NFL) to create a new team.  You must research cities in the United States that do not currently have an NFL Team.  Select a city and justify why this city is the best location for a new team.  To do this, consider the methods of market segmentation.  Include the demographics of the city, the geography, transportation methods, and other items you believe impact your decision.  Once you have selected your city, go to Google Maps to find a map of the city.  You must determine where to build the team’s stadium.  Create a team name that represents the city and/or its inhabitants.

After making this decision, explain (in writing) the decisions you have made. **Note – The quality of your writing WILL BE EXTREMELY important for future activities** 

Every team must have a uniform.  Let your creativity run wild and design your team’s uniform.  Think about color schemes and how these decisions might affect buyer behavior.  Remember, sports teams make a lot of revenue from sales of team apparel.

Lastly, create a presentation to announce your new team to the class.  You may use Prezi or PowerPoint.

Project Requirements

EQ - How are the fundamentals of marketing used to develop a product line?
  1. Knowledge Check - Market Segmentation
  2. Activator: Welcome to the NFL
  3. Introduction to Project
  4. City Research - Use your understanding of Buyer Behavior and Market Segmentation to complete the following tasks:
    1. Research 2 U.S. cities that may WANT an NFL franchise
    2. Analyze the inhabitants of the city 
      1. Demographics, Pyschographic, Behaviors, and Geographics
      2. Compare and contrast the 2 cities and make your final city selection
  5. Use Google Maps to show the location of the stadium within your chosen city
  6. Using a uniform design generator create a uniform for your franchise
    1. Create a team name based on the history, heritage, or cultural identity of the city's inhabitants
    2. Choose colors that match this area for your uniform
  7. Create a presentation to share your decisions with the class

Unit 1 Exam

EQ - How does buyer behavior impact marketing?
  1. Activator - Q & A
  2. Unit Exam
  3. Intro to "Welcome to the NFL"

Monday, September 16, 2013

Buyer Behavior

 EQ - How does Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs connect with the 3 buying motives?
  1. Activator - Google’s Super Bowl Ad
    1. What is the target market of this ad?
    2.  What are the buying motives of this target market?
    3. In your opinion, how well did this ad connect to the target market?
  2. Discussion – Understanding Buyer Behavior – Consumer Spending Habits
    • Opportunity Cost
    • Buying Motives
  3. Advanced Organizer – Vocab & Maslow (Add Opportunity Cost)
  4. Read Textbook p. 97-100 – Define Vocabulary – Summarize your reading 1/2 sheet
  5. OYO - How this has affected you?
    • Think of a time when you purchased something to show support for your favorite team.
    • Explain how Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs impacted your purchase.
    • Determine your motive for the purchase.
    • What was the opportunity cost of your purchase
  6. TOD - Today's Meet
    1. Describe 3 purchases (one for each buying motive)
    2. In what stage of Maslow's Hierarchy would the buyer reside based on his/her behavior?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Buyer Behavior and Fantasy Football

EQ -  How does fantasy football illustrate buyer behavior?
  1. Activator -  Do Now: List all three buying motives and provide an example of a product that exemplifies each decision.
  2. Review as a class
  3. Video Analysis
    1. How did the marketing team use the psychology of buying motives to connect with the target market?
    2. Which buying motives are present in this ad?
  4. Muddy Points
  5. Teams of 8-10
  6. Class Discussion
  7. Future Content Preparation Activity
  8. Class discussion
    1. What buyer behaviors factored into your draft decisions?
    2. Where else do these behavior impact you?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Purchasing Decisions

EQ – Why is it important to understand buyer behavior when making marketing decisions?
  1. Homework check
  2. Discussion
  3. Activator: Chalk Talk – Why do you purchase things?
  4. Advanced Organizer Preview*
  6. Advanced Organizer – Vocab & Maslow (Add Opportunity Cost)
  7. Read Textbook p. 97-100 – Define Vocabulary – Summarize your reading 1/2 sheet
  8. Google’s Super Bowl Ad
  9. Discussion – Understanding Buyer Behavior – Consumer Spending Habits
    • Opportunity Cost
    • Buying Motives
  10. OYO - How this has affected you?
    • Think of a time when you purchased something to show support for your favorite team.
    • Explain how Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs impacted your purchase.
    • Determine your motive for the purchase.
    • What was the opportunity cost of your purchase

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Marketing Mix Pt. 2 - Analysis

 EQ - Which element of the Marketing Mix is the most important?
  1. Activator: Think Fast (As a Team)
    • What are the 4 elements of the marketing mix?
    • What is marketing?
    • How do the 4 P's fit into marketing?
  2. Jigsaw 4 P's
    1. 4 Corners Argument
  3. Back to the Blender
  4. Check Point
    1. Answer the EQ
    2. Was your original opinion (the most important of the 4 P's) swayed during our 4 Corners Argument?  Why or why not?
  5. Previous Homework - Marketing Mix Analysis
  6. Together - Analyze the Marketing Mix (YouTube Video)
  7. Marketing Mix Analysis - Identify the elements of the Marketing Mix as seen in this video
  8. Discussion Question: What happened that caused Domino's to change the way the company does business?
  9. TPS - 1/2 sheet:  What are your thoughts on Domino's plan (a good idea)? Why or why not?
  10. TOD 
    1. How has Domino's used the Marketing Mix to market its new product?
    2. How can an NFL football team use the marketing mix to market its product?
  1. Find an appropriate YouTube commercial 
  2. Identify the elements of the marketing mix contained in the commercial
  3. Copy and paste the URL (website link) to the class website as a comment (include your name)

Analyzing the Marketing Mix

EQ – What makes the marketing mix a foundational concept of marketing?
  1. Activator: Think Fast (As a Team)
    • What are the 4 elements of the marketing mix?
    • What is marketing?
    • How do the 4 P's fit into marketing?
  2. Analyze the Marketing Mix for Omeletteville
  3. Homework Marketing Mix Analysis
  4. Additional Marketing Mix Notes
    1. *Lands End*
    2. Pitch A Perfect Game
  5. Marketing Mix Analysis - Identify the elements of the Marketing Mix as seen in this video
  6. Discussion Question: What happened that caused Domino's to change the way the company does business?
  7. TPS - 1/2 sheet:  What are your thoughts on Domino's plan (a good idea)? Why or why not?
  8. TOD 
    1. How has Domino's used the Marketing Mix to market its new product?
    2. How can an NFL football team use the marketing mix to market its product?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Marketing Mix

EQ - How can we use market segmentation to create a marketing mix that satisfies our customers? 
  1. Homework Check
  2. How a company can use market segmentation information
  3. Quiz - Markets
  4. Activator -  Blender story
  5. Advanced Organizer
    1. Actively read the section
      1. Jot ideas and questions in the margins
      2. Write down words you don't yet know
      3. Highlight interesting points
    2. Pick one new idea/concept presented in the section
      1. Use Google to find out at least one more thing about this new idea/concept
      2. Write down what you fin
    3. Share with a classmate or if its really cool, the entire class
  6. A closer look at the marketing mix
  7. Jigsaw Groups
    1. 4 Corners Argument
      1. TPS - Construct support to defend why your marketing mix element is the most important
      2. Defend your position to the class
  8. Back to the Blender
  9.  1 To Go

Monday, September 9, 2013

Digging Deeper

 EQ - How does opportunity cost impact the results of market segmentation efforts?
  1. Assumptions of Market Segmentation
  2. Mount Joy WinterFest
    1. Overview
    2. Identify Market Segments
    3. Develop a customer persona
  3. What makes a Meaningful Market
    1. Practicing identifying a meaningful market
    2. Assessing our Winterfest market segments & customer persona
  4. Making Sound Marketing Decisions
    1. Opportunity Cost
    2. 80/20 Principle
  5. Assignment
  6. TOD

Friday, September 6, 2013

Digging Deeper - Market Segmentation

EQ - How does opportunity cost impact the results of market segmentation efforts?
  1. Activator - Partnership Assignment: Practicing Market Segmentation
  2. Q&A
  3. Quiz
  4. Assumptions of Market Segmentation
  5. Mount Joy WinterFest
    1. Overview
    2. Identify Market Segments
    3. Develop a customer persona
  6. What makes a Meaningful Market
    1. Practicing identifying a meaningful market
    2. Assessing our Winterfest market segments & customer persona
  7. Making Sound Marketing Decisions
    1. Opportunity Cost
    2. 80/20 Principle
  8. Assignment
  9. TOD

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Market Segmentation Continued

EQ - How do we identify a customer persona?
  1. Activator - Practice Partner Quiz
    1. Define Customer Persona
    2. List the 3 steps of Market Segmentation
    3. List the 4 methods of market segmentation
  2. Identify a customer persona for Lego users
    1. Groups of 4 - Try it
    2. Lego - Capitalizing on a forgotten customer segment
      1. How does Lego describe its initial customer segment?
      2. What caused Lego to revisit its customer segmentation process?
      3. How has Lego defined its newest customer segment?
    3. Identify your key takeaway from this activity.
  3. Re-focus - Methods of Market Segmentation 
    1. Demographics
    2. Geographics
    3. Psychographics
    4. Behavior-based
  4. Let's Try It - Lancaster Barnstormers
    1. Demographics
    2. Geographics
    3. Psychographics
    4. Behavior-based 
  5. How did we do? Google Search Results & Website Exploration
  6. Muddy Points Partner Review
  7. A Deeper View - Market Segmentation
    1. Why do marketing teams use the process? (80/20 principle)
    2. What makes a meaningful segment?
  8. Revisiting #4
    1. Is our market segment meaningful?
  9. Muddy Points Partner Review
  10.  Collaborative Pairs – Choose a sports or entertainment company (not Nike) and assess the core customer base using the methods of segmentation
  11. Class Share
HOMEWORK - Family Member Interview

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Methods of Market Segmentation

EQ - How is a customer persona created?

  1. Activator –  Frito-Lay
    • Why are teens receiving so much attention from companies?
    • What caused Frito-Lay to choose some of the partnerships it did?
    • List 2 forms of technology used by Frito-Lay to capture the attention of teen?
    • Would these technologies be the best way to reach teens today? Why or why not?
  2. Revisiting yesterday’s TOD: What problems do you see in using yesterday's method of evaluating individuals?
  3. Introduction of Essential Question
  4. Preview Key Words
    • Customer
    • Consumer
    •  Market
    • Market Segments
  5. TPS - Introduction to Methods of Segmentation (103-105)
    • Demographics
    • Geographics
    • Psychographics
    • Behavior-base
  6. Try it Frito-Lay
  7. Class Discussion
    • With a Partner – Choose a sports or entertainment company (not Nike) and assess the core customer base using the methods of segmentation
    • Class Share
    • Muddy Points Grab Bag
    Homework – Parent Product Interview

    Tuesday, September 3, 2013

    Welcome to Sports and Entertainment Marketing

    EQ - How is developing an understanding of a customer persona important to marketing?

    1. Intro to Mr. Hill
    2. Student Quotes
    3. Student Personal SWOT
    4. Intermission – Get to know a classmate
    5. LeBron James & Jay-Z evaluation
      • Describe these individuals
      • Look closer
    6. What’s The Point (Connection to Marketing)
    7. Project Descriptions
    8. Syllabus Review
    9. TPS – What are you most looking forward to about S & E Marketing
    10. Assessing others 
    11. TOD – What problems do you see in this method of evaluating individuals?